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Game News posted by Scott
Thursday, August 13th 2015
It is still going ahead, finalizing few details with Zorg. When we've got everything solid it will be released I've just come back from a week break - and you guys run riot Mailbox full so.. I'll be going through that now - tickets also.

Sorry if you've been waiting a week for a reply <3
Game News posted by Scott
Friday, October 31st 2014
Just some FaQ's about Shadress just so people are aware

Shadress will be entering warfare at random times, she is quite strong and will only attack if attacked, even then she may not attack and let you run the fight. If you successfully defeat her even as a group the person that defeats her will gain a Voodoo Doll.

We are aware she is strong so she will not be healed at any time so eventually she will be defeated.

She has a unique phase message so you can't miss her
Game News posted by Shadress
Saturday, October 25th 2014
You think you're so smart, you think your gangs will protect you. I'll be free completely from the chains and powers that have held me in my prison for the last decade and I will come back, bringing a shadow over your existence. I will end you and smash your disgusting hive to the ground for imprisoning me...

My shadow will be the last thing you see.....

Vile Humans.
Game News posted by Scott
Monday, August 18th 2014
Just to clarify some points Zorg has made, scripts can be tested on DEV.. I've seen a few already and they look pretty cool Your next steps are to give it to HCS to verify, and then make it public/open source.

Some things to think about... Automated scripts are not allowed. No parts of the game should be automated via scripts, even on DEV.

Also there's a vote on the Main Page, myself and Elders will be running through Halloween plans later this week!
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