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Game News posted by Scott
Saturday, December 18th 2010
Today myself and Zorg fixed an error with name change that should've been reported 2 weeks ago. Just a reminder that when you find a bug in the game - leave it and report it. Do not abuse it and then report it as we still have to remove the said abuse.

On a happier note on Thursday the 23rd of December I will be hosting an informal event called Legacy Chat Party! It's a one day event that will start at 5pm server time and we have no idea when it will end. It will include:

-> Discussions about Past and Future additions to Legacy
-> General Mistakes by Players/Staff (Funny not serious)
-> Trivia - General Knowledge with Legacy questions thrown in
-> General discussion about new years and what lies ahead
-> QUESTION HOUR! (Yes I'm being serious) - However We're going to limit it to 3 questions per gang (Sorry!) so get in your forums and make a thread and pick the questions you can ask either Zorg, Pie or myself.

It's going to be fun and at times totally unorganized but aren't all parties?
Game News posted by Scott
Thursday, December 9th 2010
So - the xmas event I'm planning might or might not happen as college has decided to dump more work on my already full schedule. I'll post another blog this week if I can or cannot do one. If i do it will either be a free for all or i'll try set teams up. Sorry!

On another note I have been notified of graphic admin mailboxes being filled. It's awesome to see feedback and you giving bcfc work - but please can you make tickets instead of mailing them, this way we can keep mailboxes clear enough for replies. Tickets don't use a lot of space and make it easier to organize stuff! (Community -> Ticket Help)

Game News posted by Scott
Tuesday, November 23rd 2010
Christmas is fast approaching and we need to make sure the advent calenders are filled for you! If you direct yourself to the Main Forum and read my thread you can make suggestions and tell us how to make your Legacy Xmas complete

My idea is a snowball tourney and it will consist of a square in Warfare being turned blank and either gang vs gang, free for all or even clan vs clan! Depending on the type the prizes will vary.

So what I need from you guys is:
- Time for the event (I'd say 5pm EST but yeah..)
- Type of tourney (Cannot attack people in same gang as you)
- Any objects you want in the advent calender (Already existing)
Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, October 24th 2010
Ok! So tomorrow the Halloween event will start, it will last for 7 days (Ending 31st!). Each day those who signed up for the game will get mailed by the police chief daily and bit's of evidence you have found (from past days) will be posted automatically to the "evidence locker".

Every day you will get a new set of evidence to find someone to question, this will build up clues to help you find out the hive murderer! Don't panic if you get the wrong answer I hear you will still be able to conduct your investigations however on the last days of this event being correct will have to be crucial. If you work it out before the final day then you must say I think the murderer is: in the mail you submit to the police chief.

The winner will be the first person to guess correctly. Good luck investigators - you're our only hope to find our who murdered Zorg !

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