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Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, October 2nd 2020

Been roughly a month now, since last time I did one of these.

Just to keep you posted what's going on.

First things first, I'll bring a smaller update to /alert, approximately it'll get pushed some time next week. The new command is, '/alert objective', different from the other commands 'objective' accepts and additional subcommand, which can be one any one of the following: push, attack or defend. Default one is 'push'
The coordinates part can still be optionally ommitted. for example '/alert 9,9 objective push' or just '/alert objective defend'

Now that is out of the way, it's now time for some shameless promotions, if you don't like promotions, you can stop reading now.

MattG2 has some kind of official event/map competition going on in the main forum, I'm not quite sure how it works.

Secondly, I will also be hosting a non-legacy related quiz on discord. (Thread in Games Room)
I'm sorry in advance for those of you who doesn't use Discord, or don't want to, but seeing how it went last legcon I'm unsure if the server capacity of legacy can handle it ingame, also why this one can't be official.
The topic of the quiz is: Denmark.

The winner will take home whatever credits I have that exceeds 900.000c at the end, which currently stand at 8,385c + entry fees.

So be sure to check both things out

- Lynx
Game News posted by Will
Tuesday, December 10th 2019
So here we are in December and...Halloween events are finally wrapping up. Gotta love that Legacy sense of time am I right?

Between the Werewolves game, the Spooky Story corner, and the Costume contest there are a few rewards to be given out. Which is the point of this blog so those who get random items sent to them are aware of what they are for

First up: the Trick or Treat part of the Hallowed events (thanks to everyone who participated)
Hydra, Jake, JoeBloggs, Mary, MrItrickzu, Quin, sumwish, Ulm, Bernard721, darp, GAGANB, crippler, Flagg, Pillage, Predator, Subzero, Bongo, hunter8.

For your performance in these you'll be getting a Halloween Candy. The one that fills your energy. That one, it's that one.

But specifically for the Werewolves game, they are a little different.

Everyone by default is going to be receiving the banner for Helping Legacy Staff because just by participating you all did just that. Some even reported bugs and issues along the way.

As per the norm, the winning team that survived (this is subject to change for future games) will be receiving the Werewolves banner.

The winning team will also receive a +4 favor, as per the norm.

I intend on something other than that just to change up the "norm," but I haven't made it quite that far. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the events
Game News posted by Will
Thursday, November 29th 2018
Once again, the chill of winter is upon us. Which also means that Christmas and all the Legacy related stuff that comes along with it. And this year, a few things will be the same and some will be different.

What's the same? The Advent Calendar will be making an appearance of course. What's different however is the fact that unlike the last couple of years where most of the items are gag items/gifts, this year will have many items that will entice and excite. Yes, a few traditional items/gifts will be the same. Because why break traditions?

Also I would like to address something that I'm sure some think I have forgotten about. The near apocalyptic loss of the Wastelands. In order to make up for that little mishap, the Double Gains week that typically happens during Christmas time...will be extended. That means starting Dec. 16 (early as possible) until Dec. 29 at 23:59 server time (literally what the clock in the upper right corner of your browser shows) will be Double Gains.

For those who don't know or need a reminder of what Double Gains include:
-Double Experience from PVP and Hunt
-Double Item Experience
-Double Honing Experience
-Double payout from jobs
-Double Warfare points
-Double energy per hour (400/hour)

Please note that buffs from books and the boon shop do not stack.

As for if there will be a platinum sale as normal during Christmas, I will let Zorg announce that if he decides to do so.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far!
Game News posted by Will
Saturday, October 27th 2018
So Shadress has appeared a few more times and the Wasteland didn't break...neat. Also, I may act like it bothers me with the grief I'm getting for it, rest assured that I find it hilarious. 9 years to screw up and when I do, the playerbase refuses to let me live it down.

Anyway, I never clarified about what will come with fighting Shadress.

If you manage to put up a good fight and she deems you worthy, you will receive the banner for fighting her

Even if you come in at the end of the fight and manage to impress or defeat her, you can get the banner

Shadress has been loaded with a bunch of goodies that she will send to those she deems worthy at the end of Halloween

These can include a Voodoo Doll (which when used can give you a bunch of goodies). Also, she might...maybe...possibly...this is just a rumor...have a fancy little red box that is somewhat heavy and makes a lot of metallic clanking when shook

Also, I am still contemplating on what to do to try and make up for the near catastrophic Wasteland destruction. Feel free to offer suggestions in the comments
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