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Game News posted by sumwish
Tuesday, November 1st 2022
As Halloween comes to an end, we'll leave the theme up for another few days or so for some last minute enjoyment (and jobs ) Shadress came out on Halloween but she may be out again the next couple of nights until her powers finally fade for good this year...

New Month New Map. Here's what happened last map:

The results are in.

Warfare: September - October 2022

1: Outcasts: 1,321,075 points
2: Dark Flame: 953,605 points
3: Chapter: 940,815 points
4: Blade of Dawn: 353,075 points

Congratulations OC on your win!
Game News posted by sumwish
Monday, August 22nd 2022
The vote for the next Warfare map has finished and the results are as follows:

Option 1 - 6 Votes
Option 2 - 11 Votes
Option 3 - 39 Votes
Option 4 - 10 Votes

Which means we'll be playing this map:

The starting positions will be as follows:

The Chapter: 5,13
Blade of Dawn: 7,13
Dark Flame: 9,13
Outcasts: 11, 13

The current Warfare round will end on the 1st of September just after Midnight Server Time and, after a period of Warfare downtime, the new map will begin.

Game News posted by Architect
Wednesday, March 2nd 2022
Hey everyone,

Here are last map's results:

Wasteland Round: January 2022 through February 2022

1. Dark Flame: 2,613,225 points
2. Outcasts: 1,474,955 points
3. Blade of Dawn: 344,635 points
4. Chapter: 286,255 points

Congratulations to DF on their victory!

In other news, Legacy's Anniversary is on the horizon, and if you would like to have your character design put in a group photo, be sure to reply in his thread in Main Forum, [ Legacy Anniversary Photo ] External link symbol by the 30th of April, 2022.

In addition to the photo, Meepers is working on a new project to recognize distinguished players in the community. Legacy's Player of the Month will evaluate players on various criteria, deemed by VH, to highlight noteworthy qualities or actions displayed while playing Legacy during the preceded month.

Players receiving this award include a new honor:
Player of the Month 1
Player of the Month 3
Player of the Month 6
Player of the Month 12

Special thanks to everyone involved for your parts in this collaborative effort on these events!

Game News posted by MattG2
Sunday, January 2nd 2022
Hi everyone,

The latest warfare results are as follows:

Warfare: September - October 2021

1: Dark Flame 1,555,885 points
2: Outcasts: 696,885 points
3: Chapter: 693,825 points
4: Blade of Dawn: 472,645 points

Congratulations to DF on their victory!

There has been an edit made from the original concept that this map was supposed to have, that being that objectives would rotate clockwise every six hours. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations of the (old) Warfare system, it was not possible to achieve this. In lieu of this, the squares directly in front of each objective will now move at the same frequency ( 2,8, 8,2, 8,14, 14,8 ).

I encourage all of you to take a stab at creating a map, to create one, visit the Wasteland and Raids forum and click on the 'Map Submission Thread'. It is broken down into two options, 15x15, and 30x30. We will be running tests on Dev to see if a larger map can be sustained in the main game before putting up a vote.

Take care!
HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

Christmas 2024
 - Updated by Charlie

Puncuation Posse
 - Updated by Meepers

HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie