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Game News posted by sumwish
Monday, August 26th 2024
Looks like Option 4 is the winner in the vote so far. Here are your starting points:

23:36 sumwish: 5,13 7,13 9, 13 11,13
23:36 sumwish: DF, TC, BoD, OC
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 4
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 3
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 4
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 2
23:37 sumwish: OC- 5,13 BoD- 7,13 TC- 9,13 DF- 11,13

I'm going to shoot for a map change this weekend going into the 1st. I've reached out to see when I can get a dev to assist me and I'll update THIS BLOG with a more narrow time if I can.

Map is in wtf mode until temp settings are turned on and I get back online.
Game News posted by sumwish
Monday, July 1st 2024
New Map is up. Should be done in record time!

Here are the last round's results:

1. Dark Flame:1,062,785 points
2. Blade of Dawn: 814,560 points
3. Outcasts: 772,940 points
4. Chapter: 383,825 points

Congratulations DF!
Game News posted by sumwish
Wednesday, June 26th 2024
Map votes are pretty overwhelming right now so I'm releasing HQ starting spots so that gangs have some time to plan since there's 5 objectives in the winning map.

01:49 sumwish: Starting Positions: 5,5 / 5,11 / 11,5 / 11,11
01:49 sumwish: DF = 1 TC = 2 BoD = 3 OC = 4
01:49 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:49 System: Result: 4
01:49 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:49 System: Result: 2
01:49 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:49 System: Result: 2
01:49 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:49 System: Result: 1
01:50 sumwish: OC 5,5 TC 5,11 DF 11,5 BoD 11,11

Have Fun! I'll try and get the WL switched over Sunday night going into the 1st.
Game News posted by sumwish
Thursday, May 2nd 2024
As I'm writing, Warfare will be going offline temporarily to calculate scores. In the meantime, wtf mode will be around until the map change this weekend. Warfare will go offline again 15 min before midnight tick on SATURDAY NIGHT. The new map should be up and going as Legacy's Birthday hits at the midnight tick.

The map will be the Desert Map. I will not be rolling for HQ positions until map change, so you'll have to tune in to see where you guys land. Some have requested a change to the map Objective. Instead of the ERS I will substitute for a different objective that'll be more of a benefit given the limitation. If you appose this change because the player base voted for the ERS format, then please forward all concerns to Matt

As we get into Anniversary week, keep an eye out for Forum games and other bonuses this year. If things are successful then you can look forward to similar bonuses in the future for events

And Here are the round results:

1. Outcasts: 1,567,560 points
2. Dark Flame:1,142,860 points
3. Blade of Dawn: 748,640 points
4. Chapter: 669,270 points

Congratulations OC!
 - Updated by Sumwish

Black Market
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Charlie

Deployment Kit
 - Updated by Charlie