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Game News posted by MattG2
Sunday, January 2nd 2022
Hi everyone,

The latest warfare results are as follows:

Warfare: September - October 2021

1: Dark Flame 1,555,885 points
2: Outcasts: 696,885 points
3: Chapter: 693,825 points
4: Blade of Dawn: 472,645 points

Congratulations to DF on their victory!

There has been an edit made from the original concept that this map was supposed to have, that being that objectives would rotate clockwise every six hours. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations of the (old) Warfare system, it was not possible to achieve this. In lieu of this, the squares directly in front of each objective will now move at the same frequency ( 2,8, 8,2, 8,14, 14,8 ).

I encourage all of you to take a stab at creating a map, to create one, visit the Wasteland and Raids forum and click on the 'Map Submission Thread'. It is broken down into two options, 15x15, and 30x30. We will be running tests on Dev to see if a larger map can be sustained in the main game before putting up a vote.

Take care!
Game News posted by Aldo
Wednesday, December 29th 2021
The next wasteland map has been chosen based on the game vote. Bongo will setup the map on January 1st, 2022 at 12pm EST (server time).

We'll be playing the unnamed Option #3 map with 4 objectives (WL Shop, AA, Jammer, Hospital) that rotate clockwise between their positions every 6 hours. There will be 1 neutral square in the center.

The bigger Crater Expedition map was also pretty popular but it was clear there were some issues to work out there.

We decided that the wasteland round after the next one can be a big map one exclusively. This should give people time to come up with fun big map ideas and/or finesse Crater Expedition more for the next-next round.

PM Pie if you have any questions.

Game News posted by Aldo
Tuesday, December 7th 2021
Are you ever in Wasteland? Do you find yourself, and your teammates, in low spirits AND low health? Don't have the credits to pay for a full heal AND your taxes?

Well, let me tell you, this product right here fresh out of X-Corp's oven is sure to make you feel better!

Presenting... the Deployment Kit, the earliest latest stolen development in medical nanotechnology! A scientific breakthrough of an intersection between drone technology and nanotech.

Use this bad boy (internally known as Good Boy) in Wasteland and find yourself and up to 4 other teammates basking in the glow of healing nanites!

Wondering how it works? Me too! Let's see:

  • A little bit after this post, Deployment Kits will be available in the Warfare Shop for 200 Warfare Points.

  • When a kit is in your held items, use /deploy heal in WL, immediately consuming the item, to spawn a visible gang NPC called 'Healing Drone'.

  • Every minute tick, the healing drone will expend healing power (currently set at 100HP), consuming it from its own HP bar.

  • If there are friendly gang members on the square, the expended healing power is split evenly among the gang players who need heals (up to a max of 5 players).

    (eg. If only 1 player needs heals, they get the full +100HP. If 2 players, 50 each..etc up to 5 players, 20 each,).

  • Once its HP <= 0, the single-use drone will become useless (like my future).

  • Higher gang ranks (not me ) can use /alert heal to explicitly create a new type of alert ("Healing drone"), but gang chat messages also go out when someone deploys a healing drone (also logged in Warfare log).

  • Each gang can only have up to 3 of its own healing drones active simultaneously.

  • Right now, anyone can deploy a healing drone once they have the item (which is also tradeable, fyi).

  • You cannot stack drones/deploy a drone on a square that already has another healing drone (friendly or otherwise).

  • War lords and above can go to a new drone management page in the citadel to destroy any active gang drone.

  • Healing Drones are not combat-equipped other than having really strong armor! Defend them with your life!

[ Preview ]

Feel free to discuss in the WL & Raids forum! As always, report any bugs or things that come up and I'll do my best to address them.

Also dev is down for ...erm reasons. Feel free to speculate, but I promise you it's nothing exciting.


Game News posted by Aldo
Sunday, November 1st 2020
Looking into remedies for the lag. I've pushed some code I'm hoping will help reduce server/database stress initially, and over time we'll try to make some more optimizations to help deal with the current load.

We are seeing unprecedented numbers in wasteland active at the same time (unprecedented in the sense that it's been a very long time since we've had this many online) so as activity evens out, it'll get a better there as well. That + live wl = server stress.

As a volunteer dev, without direct server access, it's tricky to do deeper, more granular debugging of the server or database utilization but generally the live WL is a problem so will keep trying some fixes over the course of this week, starting tomorrow.

As a little "sorry your day sucked in WL" token, I'll be running double gains for the game November 14th and 15th (Saturday and Sunday) starting at 12:01 AM Server Time Saturday (right after midnight) and ending at the end of the weekend at night - Sunday 11:59 PM.

Please stop pm'ing me asking me what is AM and PM which part of the day is which.

 - Updated by Sumwish

Black Market
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Charlie

Deployment Kit
 - Updated by Charlie