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Game News posted by Will
Saturday, October 27th 2018
So Shadress has appeared a few more times and the Wasteland didn't break...neat. Also, I may act like it bothers me with the grief I'm getting for it, rest assured that I find it hilarious. 9 years to screw up and when I do, the playerbase refuses to let me live it down.

Anyway, I never clarified about what will come with fighting Shadress.

If you manage to put up a good fight and she deems you worthy, you will receive the banner for fighting her

Even if you come in at the end of the fight and manage to impress or defeat her, you can get the banner

Shadress has been loaded with a bunch of goodies that she will send to those she deems worthy at the end of Halloween

These can include a Voodoo Doll (which when used can give you a bunch of goodies). Also, she might...maybe...possibly...this is just a rumor...have a fancy little red box that is somewhat heavy and makes a lot of metallic clanking when shook

Also, I am still contemplating on what to do to try and make up for the near catastrophic Wasteland destruction. Feel free to offer suggestions in the comments
"Just break the thing that allow BoD players to access the WL. All will be forgiven. Can we also have a Shadress Jr for lowbies? "
"The answer to compensation is obvious.... Moo Cow Energy Drink for all"
"Flip flopping "I will have nightmares about this""
"None of this matters. At all. "
"send nudes"
"double xp"
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