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Game News posted by Will
Thursday, January 30th 2020
So it has been long enough since it was last mentioned, which means we should talk about it.

Double Gains was mentioned as something that will happen at some point after the Christmas Raid and Christmas job were gone. Since they are gone, I suppose it's time that we get it.

When can you expect it to start? Well for the sake of making it as simple to answer:

Click here to just see the countdown

How long? 96 hours after that. Or 4 days.

What does double gains affect? Well:

-Double Experience from PVP and Hunt
-Double Item Experience
-Double Honing Experience
-Double payout from jobs
-Double Warfare points
-Double energy per hour (400/hour)
-Double boon xp

Does not
-Double Crafting Experience
-Double transferred Experience
-Double Job Experience
-Stack with buffs (for things like 4x job payout)
-Double hunting points
-Double gang rep gains/loss
-Double Drone xp
-Double raid xp
-Double Casino payout
-Double Drop rate
-Double Focus gain
-Double HP heal at hospital
-Double default token gain
-Double Page load times
-Double rewards from daily quests

And uh, oh, right, a new Werewolf game to break try out. New roles, slight alterations to roles, and the same chaos we all love to hate.
Game News posted by Will
Tuesday, December 10th 2019
So here we are in December and...Halloween events are finally wrapping up. Gotta love that Legacy sense of time am I right?

Between the Werewolves game, the Spooky Story corner, and the Costume contest there are a few rewards to be given out. Which is the point of this blog so those who get random items sent to them are aware of what they are for

First up: the Trick or Treat part of the Hallowed events (thanks to everyone who participated)
Hydra, Jake, JoeBloggs, Mary, MrItrickzu, Quin, sumwish, Ulm, Bernard721, darp, GAGANB, crippler, Flagg, Pillage, Predator, Subzero, Bongo, hunter8.

For your performance in these you'll be getting a Halloween Candy. The one that fills your energy. That one, it's that one.

But specifically for the Werewolves game, they are a little different.

Everyone by default is going to be receiving the banner for Helping Legacy Staff because just by participating you all did just that. Some even reported bugs and issues along the way.

As per the norm, the winning team that survived (this is subject to change for future games) will be receiving the Werewolves banner.

The winning team will also receive a +4 favor, as per the norm.

I intend on something other than that just to change up the "norm," but I haven't made it quite that far. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the events
Game News posted by Will
Saturday, November 16th 2019
So for those who might have forgotten by now: signups for the new Werewolves game are done. Be sure to check the last post of it to see what's going on. The short version is that if you signed up, you need to message me with your anonymous identity. It has already been a thing for a couple days so I'll let it keep going until Monday when I get home (roughly 2PM EST (or 3PM if you go back server time in the upper right). At which point I'll get it setup with Lynx's new system (thanks to Lynx again by the way) and we will go from there.

Also, a bunch of people were able to participate in the Shadress invasion of the Wasteland this year and will be receiving a gift bag which may or may not include the banner. With Aldo successfully getting multiplayer raids figured out though, next year we can potentially get one setup so that fighting her is available all day (for all of those who miss it due to time constraints) as well as rewards for doing so.

So the take away from all of this:

  • Message Will with Werewolf name

  • Game will start some time Monday

  • Shadress rewards some time this weekend

  • Brace yourself...Winter is coming
Game News posted by Bongo
Wednesday, November 6th 2019
This is a multi-purpose blog. First I'll announce that the ghost/zombie, Stramineus, and Joe's Halloween items will be disappearing on the 10th. Hunt those ghosts while you can!


Next, some small updates/bug fixes.

The padding on forum posts was bugged after the anonymous forum update. I fixed that (also added 10 px padding on top of forum posts, up from the 5px before. I think it looks nicer).

I added the active skills on a drone run on mouseover of the drones module and on the drone bays page.

I buffed the drone skill Evasion, so that it rolls Reliability * 3 instead of 2. With 25 Reliability, you'd have a 75% chance of evading danger, up from 50%. It was one of the least used skills, so hopefully this encourages more players to try it. Heavy Forcefield and Nanobot Repairs are also underused, but not sure how to go about buffing them.


Finally, everybody go sign up in Wolf's Werewolves thread in Games Forum. It'll be fun, I promise.
HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

Copper Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Manganese Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Silver Ore
 - Updated by Charlie