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Game News posted by Lynx
Tuesday, June 12th 2018
Here's another ninja update today, it includes the following:

- A (hopefully) last bugfix for the friends list module.
- Rank requirement for gang votes, gang referendums will only be hidden to lower ranks if a minimum rank greater than 2 has been explicitly set.
- Enhancements to local development environments that should make testing some things much easier for devs.

Just to let you guys know what i'm planning to do next. It'll be some staff related updates, because certain areas could use some enhancements.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Tuesday, May 15th 2018
Putting Bongo's sneaky ninja update aside, here's a rundown of what my next update will bring.

Hoping this will have a smoother release than my previous update, and not ending up breaking more than it fixes. '

- Gmail like shift-select multiple messages in inboxes.
- Friends list expansion platinum item (+5 slots for 650p).
- Option to bulk delete friends.
- Option to disable all custom titles in forum.
- Players can be muted in wasteland chat, same restrictions as side chat applies.
- Players will receive a combat log message when their threads is being moved to another forum (Similar to edited & deleted posts.)
- Fixes a bug in job end screen that would sometimes result in 1 job being selected, even if the player had enough energy for 2.
- Fixes an issue with the "Move thread" tool that'd sometimes break inboxes for some people.
- Template module for online friends. *

* This is the only thing left on my todo for this round, still have around hundred lines of code to go.

I should be able to have it done and tested within a week or two, whenever I get the chance to finnish it.

Please keep in mind though, that I as usual cannot publish any exact release date on this, it'll be released when it's being released.
But expect it within the next 30 days.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Wednesday, April 11th 2018
Hey folks.

A quick recap of what I've done so far for my next update, most of it is just minor bugfixes which the majority of you may not even have known about yet.

- The term "money" in job end-screen has been replaced by "credits"
- Once the last post by a user has been deleted in a thread, all negative votes by that user should now be properly negated.
- The maxlength attribute of the title field when previewing a new post have been upped from 15 to 24.
- Added developer to sidechat history descriptions. (Those should also now align with the bottom isntead of having some wierd whitespace in some browsers.)
- :3 Has been re-added as a smiley to the game.
- The "Work again" addition to job centre and observatory as discussed in suggestions forum.
- Pay Cheque Design has been modified slightly.
- Moderators can move threads in public forums to another public forum.
- Thread moderation tasks will now also appear at the bottom of each thread.

Do note, that the minor addition to work centre is not yet 100% discussed or done, and the ideas in the suggestions forum may change, impacting the final implementation.

So please feel free to head into suggestions forum and post your ideas & feedback.

I'm having a holiday ttip to London next week, (Woohooo.) So this update will not be going live before approximately end of April or start of March.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Thursday, February 15th 2018
Just a short blog post to expand on rollin's post below, that's me failing to notify him of the other things that's going to be fixed.

The list includes:
- G-Code button mapping fixed.
- Adding G-Code button for the spoiler tag.
- Editing a forum post will redirect back to the origin page instead of always the first.
- Fixing a bug that prevents certain people from saving their textural signatures.
- Some "under the hood" optimizations.

One of them which is already live.

If you have another small bug that needs fixing, a UI glitch, or something else out of the ordinary that just annoys the hell out of you, my inbox is open.
(Don't forget to include screenshots, or videos.)

Besides that i'm striving to include something bigger than just a bugfix, the "Mark Squares for capture" suggestion, however as it appears now, it's unlikely I'll ever manage to figure out something that works (it's harder than it seems mixing 5+ colors, without it looking funky and support colorblind.) i'll probably fallback to the "Sidechat Smilies" suggestion by UnicornBob a while ago, which also attracted a 2 ciffer positive ratings.

- Lynx
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