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Game News posted by sumwish
Monday, August 26th 2024
Looks like Option 4 is the winner in the vote so far. Here are your starting points:

23:36 sumwish: 5,13 7,13 9, 13 11,13
23:36 sumwish: DF, TC, BoD, OC
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 4
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 3
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 4
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 2
23:37 sumwish: OC- 5,13 BoD- 7,13 TC- 9,13 DF- 11,13

I'm going to shoot for a map change this weekend going into the 1st. I've reached out to see when I can get a dev to assist me and I'll update THIS BLOG with a more narrow time if I can.

Map is in wtf mode until temp settings are turned on and I get back online.
"Brrrr it will be a cold fall"
"thanks illa, I now don't have to look which map won. "
"Are we getting the same old objectives for this map, or are we changing things up?"
Wasteland Cycle 2024
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Sumwish

Black Market
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Charlie