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Game News posted by Zorg
Saturday, January 3rd 2009
Warfare results are now reflected in the gang list, the results for a 3 month period will be left up for a whole year. Each period will have its own trophy, I've only drawn one so far. May redraw it yet and work with Dk16 to design all of them.

Support for colorblind people is now live you can enable it in Options if you have trouble distinguishing colors in the wasteland, also added 4 new countries to OneBip for buying subscription time via mobile phone. So if you live in Canada, Australia, Denmark or the Netherlands check it out!
Game News posted by Zorg
Friday, January 2nd 2009
New warfare map has kicked off quite nicely, just a few notes. I have no idea why people think the temperature is glitched when it chooses to go down for a while... yeah it is supposed to do that. In the tests I ran I got it as low as 14% once and as high as 82% so expect it to do that.

The reason the Radar Jammer effects all 4 gangs is because when active my system stops generating overviews, to generate overviews only 1 gang can see would be complicated and easily hackable. I'm working on getting it to keep the overview up for the gang that uses it, but right now it is kind of complicated.

I'm also working on getting the overview to update more often, like once every 2 minutes instead of once every 15 but that is also complicated as a lot needs to happen on a tick before an overview can be generated.
Game News posted by Zorg
Wednesday, December 31st 2008
From west to east across the bottom of the map the starting positions are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. The gangs that start at each have been drawn at random and the results are displayed below. Gang HQs will start fully deployed, please bare in mind that HQ units cannot travel across rivers even when they are frozen.

Position 1: Blade of Dawn
Position 2: Dark Flame
Position 3: Chapter
Position 4: Outcasts

As always drawn at random with a 20 sided dice, get planning now the rivers will be frozen about 50% of the time and will generally stay in each state for a few hours at least.

Dice rolls were as follows, assigning positions from the top down 1-5 TC, 6-10 DF, 11-15 BoD and 16-20 OC.

Dice Results:
13 (BoD), 7 (DF), 15 (X), 12 (X), 15 (X), 3 (TC) and final place to OC
Game News posted by Zorg
Monday, December 29th 2008
Just to clarify the Radar Jammer will be activated like the artifact is and will last for 1 full hour. Also a slight change the Prototype ERS now has a 25% chance of malfunctioning when used. If this objective malfunctions it wipes the exposure and fatigue from all 4 gangs.

Hopefully this should make it slightly less of an advantage.
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