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Game News posted by Pie
Wednesday, June 29th 2022
The vote for the next Warfare map has finished and the results are as follows:

Option 1 - 18 Votes
Option 2 - 36 Votes
Option 3 - 15 Votes
Option 4 - 33 Votes

Which means we'll be playing this map:

The starting positions will be as follows:

Outcasts: 14, 14
Dark Flame: 2, 14
Blade of Dawn: 2, 2
Chapter: 11, 4

The current Warfare round will end on the 1st July at 9am Server Time and, after a period of Warfare downtime, the new map will begin.

If you have any questions (or if I've forgotten to mention anything) then please post in the vote thread in the WL & Raids Forum.
Game News posted by Pie
Wednesday, June 22nd 2022
Just a short one to let you all know that the next map vote is now up on the Main Page. You can check out the options available in the thread in the Wasteland & Raids Forum.

The current map will finish at the end of next week and the new map will follow shortly after. I'll update you all with the exact dates closer to the time!
Game News posted by Pie
Monday, February 28th 2022
The vote for the next Warfare map has finished and the results are as follows:

Option 1 - 19 Votes
Option 2 - 16 Votes
Option 3 - 8 Votes
Option 4 - 15 Votes

Which means we'll be playing this map:

The starting positions will be as follows:

Outcasts: 5, 11
Dark Flame: 7, 11
Blade of Dawn: 9, 11
Chapter: 11, 11

The current Warfare round will end tomorrow and, after a short period of Warfare downtime, the new map will begin.

If you have any questions (or if I've forgotten to mention anything) then please post in the vote thread in the WL & Raids Forum.
Game News posted by Will
Tuesday, November 28th 2017
There is a new vote up for a little feedback on the Scavenger ability. Be sure to vote. A thread will most likely be created in the Main Forum for a discussion on it.

I would also like to remind everyone of a few things.

1) I am the Lead Volunteer Helper (VH). Meaning any actions that my VH take that you feel are unjust or unwarranted should be reported directly to me via in game messages. Side chat is not the place to air out your grievances against them as that is against the HCS ToS as Staff Harassment and it will be handled as such.

2) Mods and Guides are lead by the Community Admins. In this case, Wolf and Neltharion. Anything that goes on with Mods or Guides goes to Wolf or Neltharion before me. If the person in question feels they were treated unfairly, they can just as easily come to me and ask me to look into something.

3) The conduct on side chat is progressively getting worse. This is due to things not being reported. My VH and myself cannot be on 24/7. That is why all 5 of us have an "open message box" type of policy. We have no problems handling a situation that is deemed inappropriate, whether it be abuse, harassment, or just flat out toxic behavior.

Please keep these things in mind for in the future.
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 - Updated by Charlie