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Game News posted by Lynx
Wednesday, April 22nd 2020
Hey again all.

It was brought to my attention that the silver requirement for upgrading the armoury was totally out of bounds with the rarity compared to gold. Based on this I will be nerfing the silver upgrade cost for armoury.

Below is a breakdown of what the upgrade costs will be:

- Bronze Ingot remains the same
- Silver Ingot reduced from 400 to 100
- Gold Ingot remains the same
- Silver Plate reduced from 200 to 60
- Gold plate remains the same

Gang loaders:
If any materials donated are currently exceeding the new costs, please have a council representative (r17+) send me a message with a list of which players within your gang, which should be given the overflowing materials and how many.
Please do so BEFORE this update goes through.

Any other questions or concerns relating to the costs of upgrading the armoury, please hit my inbox.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, March 20th 2020
Hey folks.

Small update coming in the foreseeable future, this update includes the following changes:

- Smiley Pack 5, credits to faelust.
- Adjustments to gang armoury permissions
- - R11, R14, R15 and R16 Will only be able to send medical items from the armoury
- - R12, R13, R17 and R18 Will be able to send any items including gear from the armoury

If you feel the permissions for the gang armoury should be adjusted further, please don't hestiate posting your opinions in the thread in main forum now, before this update goes live.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, February 14th 2020
So, armories is now up on dev. any avatars are encouraged to log in and test it.

I will rush the construction of armories on saturday evening (European time) or during sunday, to allow further testing, because in it's current state, unconstructed it's not that exciting.

If you need items/levels/recipes/abilities etc. please let me, Will or any other dev know and we might be able to help you out.

Please report any bugs regarding the armory update to me via a pm, on legacy live server.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, January 31st 2020
Some of you may have already noticed me teasing the latest update I've been working on, and despite my own beliefs, by now it looks like it's safe to say that I'll actually get this done.

It's a biggie, and a frequently requested feature... drum roll

Gang armories! aka. gang item storage.

Once the armory is constructed the gang members will be able to donate/store items in the gang armory,
however only members of leadership (specifically r11 + r12 and r17+) will be able to withdraw from this storage.
Once an item is withdrawn/sent to a player, it will loose a trade.

To construct the armory gang members must first donate materials for it to be constructed, this is a collaborated effort between all gang members thats above rank 3.

The following materials is required to initially construct the armory.

- Iron Ore: 4000
- Copper Ore: 3000
- Manganese Ore: 2000
- Silver Ore: 1000
- Gold Ore: 500

When a sufficient amount of materials have been donated, the construction process can be started, it'll take 24 hours to finnish.

The armory will initially start with a total 10 available storage spaces, but can be upgraded.
The upgrade process is much similar to the construction process, but requires different items to be donated.

- Bronze Ingot: 500
- Silver Ingot: 400
- Gold Ingot: 100
- Silver Plate: 200
- Gold Plate: 50

Each upgrade yields +10 additional spaces for storing items, with a cap of maximum 100 storage in total.
But items will be stacked if they are identical.

A few limitations worth noting.

- Materials cannot be stored, only donated for constructing/upgrading the armoury.
- Phantom items cannot be stored.
- Items must have at least 1 trade to be stored..

I expect to have the rest of the code finnished by this weekend, but when it'll be released I cannot say.
Because of the sheer amount of code that was required to make this happen, it'll be released on dev for a few days first, I'll make another anouncement blog once that happens.

So hopefully there's a willing soul or two, that wants to help test it out there before it's pushed live.

- Lynx
 - Updated by Charlie

Wasteland Cycle 2016
 - Updated by GAGANB

HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

Equippables Database
 - Updated by Charlie