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Game News posted by MattG2
Wednesday, December 1st 2021
O Legacy, O Legacy,
How lovely is thy Wasteland?
O Legacy, O Legacy,
How lovely isn’t thy Expo?

It is December once again, and with it, come the Christmas perks!

1: You can now change into festive clothing through the Character Design tab.
2: Joe's Merchandise is offering holiday items once again.
3: Santa's Toy Factory has fired up once more, and players will gain 1,500c in addition to a bronze, silver, or gold ticket with every job worked.
4: The Advent Calendar is up! I've shaken things up this year so it should be exciting!

In other Holiday news,

1: Double Gains will be live from December 24-31.
2: The Christmas Raid will be live from December 21 to January 1.
3: I will be putting a contest up in the Main Forum, which offers 10 fantastic prizes. All you have to do is post!

Finally, there is some interest in running a Legacy Jack Box event. It will likely be set for December 26, and will be hosted in the (Unofficial) Legacy Discord!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Game News posted by Bongo
Wednesday, December 16th 2020
The Christmas Paint in the platinum store can now be used on all avatar gear, not just T1 stuff.

Thanks to faelust, UnicornBob and GAGANB (idk if all 3 of them were involved to be honest but thanks anyways ) for their work to make this possible.

Merry Christmas!
Game News posted by Aldo
Sunday, January 5th 2020
Brief reminder the christmas raid is ending tomorrow, Monday at 12:00 PM (EST). As per Bongo's previous blog, so too will the christmas job leave tomorrow.

In addition to this, I'll be removing the daily and weekly rewards from the raid tonight at midnight. It doesn't really make sense for it to still drop the daily/weekly while it's active only for 12 hours at the start of a new week.

For those who asked, I haven't forgotten about the fact that a christmas public event was promised. I decided that rather than invest time in a short term public event..event, I'd want to invest that time in a new permanent public event that people can take part in as an alternative to The Ritual. I have some interesting mechanic ideas but feel free to PM me or bring them up in the raid forum if you have any suggestions for a public event in terms of mechanics. The only requirement is that it should be reasonable for people on slower connections too.

Happy hunting!

Game News posted by Aldo
Monday, December 23rd 2019
A Very Merry Realm is back in action and is active until January 6th, Monday noon (EST)

It has a weekly limit of successful attempts set at 70 and a daily limit at 12.

You might be wondering: 12 daily does not add up to 70 if you did it every day in a week.

It's 12 for two reasons:

a) I want to limit the number of times people do it in a day too so that Bob can get some rest.
b) It's 12 so that if you miss a couple today or tomorrow, you can still max out your weekly limit by maxing out your daily limit on the other days.

Drop tables for Granny, Santa, and the Phantom santa have been updated. It's very close to what I posted in the Raid forum thread with some minor changes.

Normally I'm very secretive about these things but since this has been discussed anyway and I'm generous, I'll share a few tidbits:

1) Granny's guaranteed drop is now an Epic Blueprint and she also has an Ab Dye in her table.
2) Santa's guaranteed drop is... a form of energy (I imagine this is going to be controversial)
3) Phantom santa also has a (generous, imo) chance to drop Ab Dye too on the final kill.

I did mention you will see the use of Phantom Essence soon... it's not directly tied to this raid but very soon you shall know. Perhaps the answers lie somewhere else?

As always, let me know if any bugs arise. I've tested things here and there but the raid system has been through a lot of changes since Day 1, especially over the last couple of months. While almost all changes have been backwards compatible, just let me know if anything comes up.

Crystal Maul Shaft
 - Updated by Charlie

Crystal Maul Head
 - Updated by Charlie

Crystal Maul Shaft
 - Updated by Charlie

Crystal Maul Head
 - Updated by Charlie