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Game News posted by Zorg
Friday, March 26th 2010
So right now, the ONLY control you have over the outcome of a fight with another player is your choice of items and your assignment of stat points. Regardless of this the majority of Avatars have very similair stat builds.

Assigning stat points as you level increases complexity without offering any real depth to the game. It confuses new players as they often make mistakes like assigning points to Speed or HP early on. The choices you make unless extreme generally have very little effect on what is a highly random fight system and as such this system will be removed. This may seem counter-intuitive to what I'm trying to achieve, however I think there are far better ways to add depth to player vs player fighting than assigning points to stats.

As such each stat will increase slowly as you level giving every Avatar the exact same set of base stats. Instead of the spending points in stats as you level you will instead be rewarded with the choice of abilities as the ability system will be highly re-worked these abilities even before reaching 80 will be able to be used to customize your character in ways that will have a dramatic impact on fights.
Game News posted by Zorg
Thursday, March 25th 2010
So yeah, all I've been thinking about for the last few days is the rebuild. How to address the problems Legacy has with its items, combat system, warfare, etc. My plan has changed from day to day from making a 2nd Dev server to giving up and making a new game from scratch.

The end plan I've settled on is that I'm going to do this to Legacy. Possibly with a new test build of Legacy, possibly on Dev depending how much work I need to do at once. I'm not going to list my individual ideas because some of them will sound crazy without proper explanation. Instead I'll list what I hope to achieve.

 o Make fighting a complex and skillful affair, easy to grasp yet hard to master.
 o Remove the randomness from fighting, completley if possible.
 o Put players in control of their characters when being attacked.
 o Make hunting challenging with complex mechanics.
 o Fix the item balance issues currently plaguing the game.

I have solutions in mind for all of these problems, all designed to make the game easier to learn yet offer more depth and make these core aspects of the game fun. I'll post the actual changes I'll be making as the days go on.
Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, March 21st 2010
Just a reminder that the Terms of Service governs all Legacy forums. Gang leadership are currently cleaning forums up because of people that seem to think gang forums bypass the language rules. I know in total there would've been about 60 pages of various ToS 1.0 violations. If you get any old messages about a thread that's archived... it means you've been swearing when you shouldn't have.

If it was in the Main Forums you would have been disfavored, this is a PG-13 game remember, thank you ahead of time to the Staff Reps and Gang Leaders... If you mail me with anyone that has helped you clean up I will give out rewards.

On a different note we have a reset ahead of us so get planning! I think we're having a WTF mode this time around so you should come and join the staff on the neutral square.
Game News posted by Zorg
Wednesday, March 17th 2010
Just a small update I was meaning to do a while ago, the purple account age badge has been shifted along a few places and some more colored badges have been added in the gaps. The new badges are shown below.

1400 days old!
1600 days old!
1800 days old!
2000 days old!
2200 days old!

You made need to hold Shift and click Refresh / Reload to see the replacement for the purple 1400 badge.
Christmas 2024
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Puncuation Posse
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