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Game News posted by Zorg
Saturday, October 25th 2008
Rough launch to the new system. Had to start over after a couple of bugs screwed things up. Having said that it all seems to be working now, got to fix the extra line above HP / Focus when you set them to text display and a few other minor typos and such.

There is a new vote up on the main page regarding increased ability points per hour for subscribers. Just want to see what player reaction is to the idea. I'll fine tune the system over the coming days and fix any bugs as I find them, feedback is appreciated.
Game News posted by Zorg
Saturday, October 25th 2008
So, the ability system is now live. Experiment with it, get to understand everything and organize with friends to get different abilities so you can see each others and how they work. Wednesday night next week it will all reset to how it is right now (with 5 more days of backlog).

The ability 'Versatility' has been disabled (set to level 85) for the limbo period as it would require a stat reset to remove once trained, everything else is fully working. I'm going to spend this time debugging the system, clearing out tickets, cleaning up the dev server and fixing those who broke their dev accounts by name changing.
Game News posted by Zorg
Tuesday, October 21st 2008
Double turns are over now. The new abilities are not going to be in the form of items as I planned so cannot be traded. I'm trying to think what to price them at. But yeah this post is just to give you a kind of 'state of the economy' referrence so you can see the big picture.

There are currently 21'752'170 credits in the game, the richest player has 472'320c. The top 20 players have 4'533'130 between them and the average for an avatar is 46'000 credits. There are currently 32 total abilities in the system of which 15 are pre-avatar abilities. I'm thinking of 4000c avatar abilities and 2000c each for the rest.
Game News posted by Zorg
Monday, October 20th 2008
Yeah, just to keep you guys up to date I know everyone is eagerly awaiting abilities. Most of the avatars who have been helpng me on the dev server know what's going on though. I clocked about 30 hours working on them over the week-end and I'm still doing it now.

It's not the fact I couldn't get it finished, it's just that I'm not happy with it yet. When I was rushing to hit the Friday deadline I was skipping over loads of stuff and thats not something I normally do. Things like countdowns for radiance to make it easier to understand, I was like... nah I'll do that after release. But now I have more time I want to do it first.

It will be out as always when it is finished, which should be soon. Some of the extras I've been working on include phasing by clicking the map, realtime focus / hp bars while in the wasteland and an easy to use drop down menu for abilities.

For news about staff stuff look down 1 post!
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