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Game News posted by Aldo
Wednesday, March 8th 2017
Recipes will soon be coming into the game with the incoming hunting updates. There will be some annoying recipes as well as some cool recipes (in my opinion). This update will also see the existing recipe that all Shadow Facility contributors have had access to (a free conversion for av blood to a boosted serum) be modified - the recipe will soon require a minimum crafting level of 7 and will not offer any crafting XP.

So what recipe(s) can people use to start leveling their crafting?

You'll see soon. There will be ..versions of the above recipe that lower levels can use, along with some other recipes!

Also check out my Item Giveaway thread in the Games Forum quickly before it ends!

Game News posted by Aldo
Monday, February 27th 2017
Here are some minor details on what's coming up. I have midterms this week and next week again (with another 1 week of break after them before I have finals RIP) so I thought I'd share some stuff.

- Lynx is working on some lovely stuff for the market, should be coming sometime this week if all goes well!

- There will be a hunting update or two as I teased last week. Not sure if they will make it in this week but basically these updates will involve a few new minor quests/conversations and probably a mini quest journal to help track your progress through these different questlines. But yeah just wanted to give a head's up on this.

- Through the hunting update, we will also release blueprints into the wild as drops. There are 4 types of blueprints that are dedicated to the forge, based on their rarity (their names are very uncreative so feel free to guess ). They'll drop through hunting, quest rewards, and jobs. So soon others who haven't been able to craft at all will be able to join in as well There'll be a couple of recipes in particular that I think some of you might find useful.

- The avatar job that I've teased for forever will probably be one of my last updates, if not the last, before I quit soon. This is because it involves some other not-announced systems/things to come into place first as per my overall plan. I've teased the name of this job multiple times so I don't see any need to hide that atleast - it will be called Artifact Retrieval and it will be an avatar job but it will not reward you more than Research Lab (money-wise).

- There's a certain kind of shop I've been lately thinking about adding into the game as I kinda miss the old shops we used to have on our way to avatar. If I do go through with it once I've decided on how I want it to work, it will MAYBE require a golden nugget to access. If it will, then it will be a one-time fee (only 1 golden nugget ever will be required), just a head's up. I'll post more about this soon once I've finalized the details.

I'm looking at my list now and there are some other interesting things here that I probably won't tease until they're a day away from release so yeah.

Have a good day and week

Game News posted by Aldo
Wednesday, February 1st 2017
Brief announcement regarding boons and how they're awarded. It has come to my attention that a certain gang started a spam thread in their new players forum with the intention of generating post spam for boons. While the specific forum that they created this thread in actually had zero effect on gaining boons (lol), after some discussion with Zorg I have decided to remove forum posts and certain other forum-related things from being factored into you getting your next boon.

Also happy Wednesday - hope you get through the middle of this week. Have my first midterm today/tomorrow (if I ever sleep) and it's a fun one to start with.

Game News posted by Aldo
Friday, January 27th 2017
Details on the Boon Ship will come sometime soon when I have a bit more free time. In the meanwhile, I have created a 'Known Bugs' thread in Main Forum which we will use to document any bugs as they are found out. Please read the instructions in the thread carefully to fully understand its purpose and how you can be involved in it. There's also a documented issue there - please make sure you read and are aware of that, thank you.

HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

Copper Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Manganese Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Silver Ore
 - Updated by Charlie