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Double gains will commence at midnight server-time.
To be extra super duper specific, it will start when our in-game server time strikes 12:00 (am), marking the beginning of Saturday, this weekend, and your double gains.
It will end Monday 12:00 am (i.e. when monday starts....)
To be extra super duper specific, it will start when our in-game server time strikes 12:00 (am), marking the beginning of Saturday, this weekend, and your double gains.
It will end Monday 12:00 am (i.e. when monday starts....)
Just a brief update on double gains following our awesome Awesome Hour!
tl;dr: Tentative dates are Saturday, Sunday July 21st-22nd. If you don't hear about a change, then these are the dates that will have it active.
I've been absolutely swamped the last few weeks with irl stuff so haven't had a chance to sit down and make a post or work on anything really but just wanted to say that we had like... 30-35+ unique people join in our Awesome Hour!
The turnout was great and a huge hats off to Connor, MattG2, and everyone else involved for organizing this and getting people together. I had a great time for the duration that I was there.
As for double gains and a reduced wl re-entry timer, I was initially thinking of doing this the weekend after this one (so like Sat July 21st, Sun July 22nd) since Zorg was out this past week.
Consider these the tentative dates unless you hear otherwise (if the dates change, then you will still get advance notice don't worry).
I'll also look to see if we can get double gains into some newer parts of the game that could benefit from it but for now it'll just affect the usual stuff of job payouts, energy, exp..etc.
As for the reduced wl re-entry timer, I think this same weekend would be a good time for it but let me know your thoughts if you'd rather have that on a separate weekend?
Speaking of weekends, "have a good one"!
tl;dr: Tentative dates are Saturday, Sunday July 21st-22nd. If you don't hear about a change, then these are the dates that will have it active.
I've been absolutely swamped the last few weeks with irl stuff so haven't had a chance to sit down and make a post or work on anything really but just wanted to say that we had like... 30-35+ unique people join in our Awesome Hour!
The turnout was great and a huge hats off to Connor, MattG2, and everyone else involved for organizing this and getting people together. I had a great time for the duration that I was there.
As for double gains and a reduced wl re-entry timer, I was initially thinking of doing this the weekend after this one (so like Sat July 21st, Sun July 22nd) since Zorg was out this past week.
Consider these the tentative dates unless you hear otherwise (if the dates change, then you will still get advance notice don't worry).
I'll also look to see if we can get double gains into some newer parts of the game that could benefit from it but for now it'll just affect the usual stuff of job payouts, energy, exp..etc.
As for the reduced wl re-entry timer, I think this same weekend would be a good time for it but let me know your thoughts if you'd rather have that on a separate weekend?
Speaking of weekends, "have a good one"!
First and foremost, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all!
Don't forget to get your goodies from the Advent Calendar on the Main Page underneath your gang news.
Onto something you will be more interested in though.
First, I think it has been long enough and we need to have another Werewolves game. This one will most likely be hosted in the in game forums. But at the same time, the offsite forums are an option. I'll be asking from time to time and during the signup thread which people would prefer.
Please note the signup thread is not open yet as the game will be after the holidays. So I'm waiting in the hopes that people will remember it at that time.
And secondly, like I mentioned at one point, we will be having a double gains weekend after the holidays. I am currently planning for the evening of the 4th of January until the morning of the 8th. Why the odd start time? Because I go to bed and wake up at horrible times. So I figure a few extra hours will be fine.
Why the large heads up? Because platinum buffs, book buffs, and boon shop boosts do not stack with double gains. So whatever you're using should wear off by then. So during this time, please refrain from using books with boosts and purchasing various boosts that are effected by double gains.
As a reminder, Double Gains include:
-Double energy per hour (400/hour)
-Double credit payout from jobs
-Double WFP gain
-Double item experience (from attacking, defending, warfare points, and even honing)
Stay safe and have fun!
Don't forget to get your goodies from the Advent Calendar on the Main Page underneath your gang news.
Onto something you will be more interested in though.
First, I think it has been long enough and we need to have another Werewolves game. This one will most likely be hosted in the in game forums. But at the same time, the offsite forums are an option. I'll be asking from time to time and during the signup thread which people would prefer.
Please note the signup thread is not open yet as the game will be after the holidays. So I'm waiting in the hopes that people will remember it at that time.
And secondly, like I mentioned at one point, we will be having a double gains weekend after the holidays. I am currently planning for the evening of the 4th of January until the morning of the 8th. Why the odd start time? Because I go to bed and wake up at horrible times. So I figure a few extra hours will be fine.
Why the large heads up? Because platinum buffs, book buffs, and boon shop boosts do not stack with double gains. So whatever you're using should wear off by then. So during this time, please refrain from using books with boosts and purchasing various boosts that are effected by double gains.
As a reminder, Double Gains include:
-Double energy per hour (400/hour)
-Double credit payout from jobs
-Double WFP gain
-Double item experience (from attacking, defending, warfare points, and even honing)
Stay safe and have fun!
Since it has been a burning question, I figured I would clarify so everyone could be put at ease.
Double Gains will start at approximately 2~4AM server time May 13. It will then last until 6AM server time May 15.
And for anyone curious as to the wide range for when it will start: sometimes I get out of work early, sometimes I don't on Friday. Either way, it will be started at 4AM server time at the latest.
See you then!
Double Gains will start at approximately 2~4AM server time May 13. It will then last until 6AM server time May 15.
And for anyone curious as to the wide range for when it will start: sometimes I get out of work early, sometimes I don't on Friday. Either way, it will be started at 4AM server time at the latest.
See you then!

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie