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Game News posted by Lynx
Monday, December 6th 2021
Yo. it's blog time again.

So the very sparse (and next to non-existant) feedback I have recieved on elite guards, an update that allows gangs to equip guards with items from the armoury will be coming soon.

Please note, that the items equipped on guards, does not affect the passive damage dealt, only damage dealt during fights.

That being said, below you'll find answers to some of the questions likely to be asked.

Does material costs still apply?
Yes - These have not been changed.

Will gangs be able to use the items while they are in use?
No - Gangs will not be able to withdraw the items while they are in use by one or more elite guards.

Will the items be destroyed or consumed upon use?
No - They will be available again once the elite guards in question are no longer in the wasteland.

Will trades/forge point, or the likes be deducted?
No - Only material costs still applies.

Will gangs be able to see which guards used which weapons?
Yes - An additional column has been added to the overview.

What happens if gangs don't equip their guards?
A default build (same as the current pre-update build) will be automatically applied.

Is it required to have an equal amount of items to guaards dispatched?
No - Once and item is available in your armoury, all alite guards can use that item, however, you will need 1 item for each slot.
This means, that if you want to use 2x Scout Drones for both misc slots, you must have 2x Scout Drones available.

Have any other stats been changed?
No - The base stats remain the same.

Do you have a preview or teaser?
Yes - Click here to see

Hope this answers most of the questions you may have.
If not, please ask away in the comments, or make a thread in the help forum.

Kind Regards
- Lynx
Game News posted by Aldo
Monday, December 6th 2021
Sharing some notes on some QoL changes I did that should be checked into the game whenever Zorg has a moment. I pretty much just browsed through like 40 pages of the Suggestions forum looking for changes that could be quick/easy to do. Thanks to all those who suggestions I ended up using!

  • Resetting stat points at Xen’s Dojo grants you a 30 minute buff, Dojo’s Receipt, that lets you continue resetting points for free during that time. (Credit to zvasbinder)

  • Added a simple text-based movement timer to WL overview (at the bottom of the map); even if you misclick, you won’t be able to move accidentally in the overview until the timer’s up. (Credit to, I *think*, Joseph since he had asked for this forever ago)

  • /glance now also shows you square control on the glanced square. (Credit to Joseph)

  • Show player search results as soon as you land on the player fight/search page if you have the option “Open on arrival” enabled. (Credit to Larse - though this was only a part of his suggestion; couldn’t add the rest just yet).

  • Streamlined the entry to the black market; you only have to talk to Sudo one time when being granted your first entry into the market. After that, clicking the black market will take you straight in. (Credit to UnicornBob).

  • You can now use in-game tickets to submit a Legacy Affairs ticket (new category in the dropdown). I need to update the images on the Tickets page but you can get there by clicking the “Report a game bug” image and clicking the dropdown to change the category. (Fae had been asking for this forever so credit to her? )

In addition to these, rollin340 also fixed urls for sidechat. Also, thanks to Lynx for fixing the offensive/defensive fight history bug.

In addition to that... there is ...something else that is coming once the above QoL changes go live. But I'll save details on that for another blog post once it's in

Game News posted by Lynx
Tuesday, October 5th 2021
So, a recent, however small update I did, was pushed to the live server a little prematurely. I have now been around to test it,, and as far as I can tell, it didn't break anything this time.

So what actually changed?
An additional notification icon has been added to the main menu, alerting you if your messages inbox is full, you must first enable it under: Game Settings > Notifications Selection > Messages Inbox Full

That's all.
Have a nice week everyone.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Aldo
Tuesday, July 6th 2021
You can now see fight history (i.e. offensive fight history) as an attacker in Player News.

This applies specifically to PvP and all new fights (i.e. we don't have historical fight records of your fight before this update).

Another suggestion has been to record the %s in the fight history logs to help you further analyze your fights, so that may come next.


 - Updated by Pie

Wasteland Cycle 2024
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Sumwish

Black Market
 - Updated by Charlie