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Game News posted by Will
Saturday, September 5th 2020
I did not forget about the apps and the new VH. However, due to the sheer number that I received it was a much more difficult decision than normal. So I wanted to sit down and really go over everything to see who would potentially be the best fit. And after about 2 whole weeks, I think I have reached that decision.

Again, this was actually a really difficult decision to reach since every app sent to me was unique in its own way and was well thought out. However, the two (yes, two, not just one) who will be joining the Volunteer Helper team will be Pie and Matt (currently known as OC3rdPlace and will have his name forcefully changed).

The positions for the VH will be changing a little bit, but overall nothing will ultimately change.

Wolf has been with me the longest and is typically on the same thought process as myself. Not only this but he has often been referred as my #2 for a while. So he will officially be listed as the Assist Lead VH

Connor will take up a new title while still overseeing Community related issues. Which include the forums and clans still.

Pie and Matt will receive their official assignments in the near future once I get them fully setup.

Thanks to everyone who applied for this position.
Game News posted by Will
Thursday, August 13th 2020
First things first: I would like to thank Aaron for his time and service as a VH. He will no longer be with us, but he is still appreciated.

Second: I have decided that it is high time that Legacy Affairs be brought back as a service available to players if they feel that VH are abusing their powers and that it is not being properly handled, they can contact a member of Legacy Affairs (LA) to look into it.

LA can be requested to look into a situation if a player feels that a VH's action or inaction to a situation was not properly handled. This can be done either directly to a member of LA or via the tickets system by request.
Game News posted by Will
Monday, October 22nd 2018
Another year, another Halloween.

As most of you are aware, I'm sure, as per Bongo's last blog, his spooky NPCs have returned. See his blog for more details.

On the flip side to this, Halloween outfits should be released either tomorrow or in the near future. Worry not, I will go as far as setting up an hourly reminder for Zorg to give everyone their sweet threads. Just don't try to eat them (cuz the outfits aren't actually sweet...)

Also, I'm sure most have figured this out, but the old Halloween terror, Shadress, will be plaguing us with her presence. She has since gained more power to be a threat to even the most seasoned warrior. Keep in mind she is only interested in fighting those who are supposedly "powerful." So she will only attack those who have attained Avatar status. Anyone 79 or below is safe from her wrath (unless you want to be brave and attack her first).

And shifting gears for a minute. Your favorite newbie Admins (Connor and MattG2) will be hosting a couple of events. Including:

-A spooky story corner (costume optional)
-A Halloween Costume contest (both in game and real life?)
-An Awesome Hour (potentially specifically themed for Halloween and spookiness? Undecided)

More to follow as they post the official threads in the Main Forum.

In closing, be safe, have fun, and beware the spooks!
Game News posted by Will
Tuesday, April 18th 2017
Been a while since I've done one of these, but there are a few things I wish to cover and make clear.

First off, the Guide applications have not been forgotten about. Wolf is still dealing with a few real world things and Neltharion wants to go over everything with him before going any further. So if you wanted to apply but forgot, you still have a chance.

Next, though Aldo is currently inactive, if you happen to come across an issue with the Wasteland map, be sure to message him about it. If his inbox is full, then you can message me or another VH member and we will relay it to him as soon as we are able to.

The Wiki is still in need of updates and new pages added. This is slowly coming together as to what is needed. If you see something you feel comfortable with editing yourself, feel free to do so. Myself or one of the SysOps will check it out when we get the chance.

I also feel I need to point this out once again. If there is something that happens that you feel should be looked at, i.e. bug abuse, player abuse, player harassment, spamming the forums, whatever, then please use the ticket system to report it. This not only informs us that something happened, but lets us keep the ticket as a record of it happening so we can reference it down the road if needed. It's incredibly frustrating to hear about "all the abuse that goes on around Legacy" and yet never hear about it. Like I said when I hired the rest of my team: even with all of us, we cannot be around 24/7 to catch everything as it happens. And I do not expect any of them to go through hours upon days of logs to try and find each and every tiny little discrepency that goes on.

Also, a general reminder, if you feel for whatever reason a VH is out of line with their action, then message me with what happened and I will look into it once I am able to.

And don't forget about Aldo's WL discussion thread in the Main Forum to give your input on how you feel about the current map
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Christmas 2024
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