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Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, July 5th 2019
Last blog post before i'm headed on holiday(s) to Oslo and Helsingborg while leaving you all to yourself.

Just wanted to give you all a heads-up what's coming with the next update of mine, it's going to be a small one as this was all I had the time to do.

Without further ado, here's the juicy details.

- Typo fixes in quest descriptions.
- Level requirements for bounty hunter quest will be adjusted.
- Amount of completions required for raid quest will be adjusted to 3.
- Fixing hospital healing link during the hospital "closing hours".
- Confirmation screen when conducting bank transfers will be added.
- +2 new lowbie and avatar quests.

When is this coming?
I don't know, when I get to bug Zorg about pushing things again.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Thursday, June 13th 2019
I dun goofed my previous blog post. Sorry about that

Totally forgot to mention that the update also introduces 2 new quests.
1 exclusively for lowbies, and one that can be done by both parties.

Hiding in plain sight
As my mother used to say: don't fight hard, fight smart. Time learn kid, hide yourself in the wasteland for 10 minutes straight.

Reward: Power Cell

Kill 10 hive policemen
Some damned fool snitched me and my merry little hidey-hole out, and now the hive police are out here looking for me, so do me a solid and kill them.

Reward: Crossbow

As always I'm open to suggestions if these rewards does not fit the effort required.

Over and out.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Thursday, June 13th 2019
Been a while since we've had an update related blog post, right?

I originally intended to have the voting system revamped by now, but to do so, requires effort from Zorg, which is apparently incredibly busy with HCS latest game.
So until then, I'll keep working on Diego's and other QoL updates.

Below you can find the changelog for recent changes, and what's to come.

The following is already live:
1. Disabled the "Assist in construct buildings" and "Do wasteland blasts" quests.

2. Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent people from claiming rewards from the "craft poison" quest

The following is to come:
1. Players will no longer reroll a quest that has previously been rerolled the same day

2. Once you've completed a certain amount of quests, Diego will bless you with his good will, and allow you to select quest preferences
Grants a small percentage increase/decrease when quests are rerolling.

3. A few staff tools that hopefully will make my life easier when debugging your bugged quests in the future.
The poison quest was harder to debug than it should've been

4. Additional rewards for completing all 5 quests each day.
Currently planning on granting experience rewards that scales with your level as the reward.
I'm unsure if I will be able to get this one developed in time, if not, I'll save it for later

I will attempt to have this update coded by end of this month, so you can expect it to be pushed at any time after that.

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Thursday, March 21st 2019
My last blog post was a bit hastily put together. So here's the full explanation of the 5 new quests added to Diego's Hideout

Craft some poison
Got a client who needs a quick and clean job done. A flamethrower won't work this time, so let's get creative. You're a smart kid, so why don't you make some poison and bring it to me?

Reward: Wires

Focus junkie
I know you got a lot of those focus refills lying around, don't just let them collect dust, you should try them out, feels good man... 3 should do the trick.

Reward: Fatigue Removal

Astral Bombing
Sometimes.... sometimes you just got to take one for the team, head to the wasteland and bomb those enemies up. Do not let it be in vain.

Reward: 2x Exposure Revival Kit

Higher or Lower
I've lost one too many tokens on that casino by now, think you can do me a favor? Bet 25 or more tokens and win on high/low.

Reward: Generic Blueprint

Kill X-Corp Bounty Hunters
Tch... Another good errand runner lost to X-Corp again. I'm getting tired of those capitalist pigs. Search for the bounty hunter responsible for this, make sure he pays. Use only melee weapons.

Reward: Throwing Blades

We have a total of 22 quests implemented now, I'll probably add 3 more at some later date, 25 in total should be enough variety of quests.

- Lynx
Crystal System
 - Updated by Charlie

Blueprint Merchant
 - Updated by Charlie

HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Pie