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Game News posted by Zorg
Friday, July 1st 2016
Hi guys, apologies for the missed warfare reset. I'm currently away with very limited internet access and before I left I was cramming in work to make sure everything kept ticking while I was gone.

I'll be back in the office on July 11th, we'll do the reset then!
Game News posted by Scott
Monday, June 20th 2016
I don't know the future of this game and I know the community is quite resilient. The blog I posted a few months back is quite moot right now so I suppose I best update you on everything that I know of up to now

So to begin I've reformed staff and it introduces player staff again. These will play and control one aspect of the game. For Will it will remain as community but he's had everything else stripped off him. He still has access to minor things in case the game decides to have a fit or we have a return from the usual abortion adverts. With this said it has been an honour to work along side Will and he's basically held the game for a year or so whilst I've been busy. With this said I believe in equality and for his dedication to this game over the years he has been bumped to Avatar, given full equipment (not upgraded) and a set of 50k of credits.

I will do everything else, accounts, clans etc sounds a lot but in a small community it is quite easy to do. I will however be hiring another player staff, out of respect to EX-Staff I will be picking from the pool of current guide/mods or the pool of EX-staff that have left on good ground. I don't believe putting it out to public apps is a good thing to do currently.

Legacy is set to continue how it is for a while, Zorg and HCS have a work currently, respectfully without starting a riot you have to understand that times have changed and browser based games aren't the craze and the market is flooded with them, so obviously for that company to survive they have to change. I'm sure Zorg will post an update in the next month or so.

I will be getting around to Loans and tickets soonish, I'm going to speak with faelust and see what needs doing for MM and get that launched for you guys. I suppose this is Zorg getting what he wants and me revoking my resignation. CRAP!
Game News posted by Zorg
Thursday, May 5th 2016
Good morning, I'll be getting the anniversary stuff up today, although it may be a little late. I have to drive over to Aberdeen and back today, once I get back I'll make sure it's all done. Totally forgot about the war scores, but it's been crazily hectic here in the office recently. These 50+ hour weeks are slowly killing me.

Warfare: January - March 2016
1: Outcasts: 3,551,730 Points
2: Dark Flame: 892,850 Points
3: Blade of Dawn: 290,540 Points
4: Chapter: 106,570 Points

Someone in the community has approached me with an interest in helping code the game. I'll be chatting to him tomorrow on Skype. At this point I'd be more than happy to hand the reins over to someone new and motivated,
Game News posted by Zorg
Thursday, March 31st 2016
I'm in early to do the warfare switch, as always. While I wait for structures to demolish, I thought I'd give you guys an update on what's going on. I know some people here think I just laze around at the studio all day doing little to no work, in general it's quite the opposite. It's just not work on Legacy, or Fallen Sword, or Eldevin.

For the last year I've been working on our newest project, and as much as I'd love to show everyone what it is, it's sadly still a secret. The server-side / back end of this project is written entirely by me and it's putting me under quite a large amount of pressure.

That being said it's going to be a great game and I'm incredibly proud of what we've made so far. It should be released fully towards the end of the year, it's heavily influenced by our past projects and even has a few mechanics from Legacy in it that you'll one day see.

What does this mean for our current games? Our continued existence as a company requires that we make new products as the old ones lose popularity. This does not mean we've forgotten about you guys, and it does not mean we're shutting down old projects. It does mean it's really hard for me to find time to do updates at the moment, but wont necessarily always be that way.

I'll always try to keep Legacy running, regardless of what the company is doing, but I can't let it keep stressing me out anymore than I don't have time to do massive updates. If someone else wanted to do updates in their free time for me, I'd probably be able to swing it so they could get access to the code at this point. But we've all grown up a lot in these past 10 years, we all used to have lots of free time and now find ourselves with less and less, so I can't imagine volunteers having much more time than myself.

As for the voluntary helper situation, I'm going to loosen up the rules a bit when it comes to being staff and playing the game as well. I'll be chatting to FatTony about his possible ascension in the coming weeks.
 - Updated by Charlie

Wasteland Cycle 2016
 - Updated by GAGANB

HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

Equippables Database
 - Updated by Charlie