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Game News posted by sumwish
Monday, September 30th 2024
It's finally time for Halloween! Shortly after this posts, I'm going to turn on all of the Halloween knobs and switches. You'll be able to buy the seasonal items from Joe's merchandise and hunt the Halloween NPC's. This year, we made sure to double check the hunting drops, as last year things started off with the Halloween hunts having 0 loot tables.

This year we'll be having a some of our normal events. Halloween WW's will start tomorrow and I'll have a game thread up soon with a link to the rules for any refreshers. Please make sure you participate, as Mod Kills really sour the game.

Make sure you check the Main Forums for the annual Halloween Costume Contest. I look forward to seeing all of your creative ideas this year!

Be sure to keep an eye out for some special WL activity on the weekends. This time of year is when Shadress likes to wake. Rumors are circulating that the Hive Government are starting to get worried about her activity. There may be some rewards this year outside of the normal individual ones handed out Make sure you do your part!

There may be some extra surprises headed your way. Make sure you keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
Game News posted by sumwish
Saturday, September 7th 2024
Sorry it's taken me a while to post. Here are last round's results:

1. The Chapter: 1,871,860 points
2. Blade of Dawn: 1,390,990 points
3. Dark Flame: 879,605 points
4. Outcasts: 467,385 points

Congratulations TC!
Game News posted by Will
Saturday, August 31st 2024
Greetings all.

Due to real world commitments, both Matt and Joseph have determined that they will be stepping down from the position of Volunteer Helper for Legacy. Despite multiple ups and downs, I wish to formally thank these two for their assistance within Legacy.

That being said, I will be looking for two new members to become Volunteer Helpers. Applications will be posted in the Main Forum until the 7th of September. If you wish to apply, please see the stickied thread there for details on the application process.

Look forward to seeing your applications.
Game News posted by sumwish
Monday, August 26th 2024
Looks like Option 4 is the winner in the vote so far. Here are your starting points:

23:36 sumwish: 5,13 7,13 9, 13 11,13
23:36 sumwish: DF, TC, BoD, OC
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 4
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 3
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 4
23:36 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
23:36 System: Result: 2
23:37 sumwish: OC- 5,13 BoD- 7,13 TC- 9,13 DF- 11,13

I'm going to shoot for a map change this weekend going into the 1st. I've reached out to see when I can get a dev to assist me and I'll update THIS BLOG with a more narrow time if I can.

Map is in wtf mode until temp settings are turned on and I get back online.
Member Gallery
 - Updated by Sumwish

 - Updated by Kabios23

 - Updated by Pie

Wasteland Cycle 2024
 - Updated by Charlie