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Game News posted by sumwish
Wednesday, March 1st 2023

Sorry for the late announcement. It looks like Map #2 has won. Feel free to go to the Wasteland & Raids forum and check out the map layout, as we'll be using the edited version that GAGANB posted.

Start positions for that map will be set from the top left, going clockwise.

BoD will start on 6,5
OC will start on 11,6
TC will start on 10,11
DF will start on 5,10

I've put out a request for a volunteer dev to coordinate with me on a time to change the HQs to mobile and to define freezing squares. Once a time has been worked out there will be a System announcement in side chat and gang chat, and I'll send a PM to each gang's leadership.
"My edited design was created with Ice Mechanics in mind. These mechanics have not been included, which is very unforch."
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