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Game News posted by Will
Wednesday, November 14th 2018
Halloween is over (despite what the Legacy banner tells you) and Shadress has vanished from the Hive for the time being. In the short time she was here, many of you challenged her. Ultimately, she was only impressed with a small handful of you. Those individuals were:

Shade, Mary, Persephone, UnicornBob, bigchaos, greggy, smythe, matt770, Zach, Merkleman, Mert, Pjay, blenok, Cartucho, Gryll, and motodragon

But of everyone who fought her, some of you actually brought her down.

Graponis, dagreek, Kage, crippler, and MrItrickzu

Those who defeated her were granted the Shadress banner, a Toolbox, and a Voodoo doll by default. Everyone else were sent items for participating.

Also want to give a special shoutout to Merkleman for despite not being an Avatar, kept attacking Shadress so she would gain fatigue so everyone else could dispatch her more easily
" for everyone mentioned! "
" thanks "
"Stupid Shadress, being awake only when I'm asleep."
"Thank you Will for running this, even with the... ahem... hiccup... it was well done "
"We should try a buffed up Shadress next year and announce when she's going to arrive. Tons of ppl, tons of HP. See how long it takes us to crash the server."
"Would be nice to be on during these times "
"congrats bois, sad i didnt get to see her "
"I dealt a lot of damage to her on her first appearance. Thanks "
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