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MattG2 and Connor will be hosting an event in the chat channels july 6th, 5PM EST
Because they have yet to find a fitting name we'll call it the hours of:
"A bit of awesome hour, a bit of a Q&A devs, Aldo & Lynx will come along hour"
Staff will be messaging gang leaders and ask you to go over the practical details, if they haven't done so already.
For this purpose I will be ninja'ing (Is that even a word?) an update to the chat channels, so it can support commands.
(It's already on dev for those who want to check it out).
However most of them are staff only, but there is also the ever-so-classic /me command
And before you ask "Can I use /whisper ?"
No. not yet. I've run out of spare development time before the event date.
However I do have plans in mind to fit such a thing in.
Because they have yet to find a fitting name we'll call it the hours of:
"A bit of awesome hour, a bit of a Q&A devs, Aldo & Lynx will come along hour"
Staff will be messaging gang leaders and ask you to go over the practical details, if they haven't done so already.
For this purpose I will be ninja'ing (Is that even a word?) an update to the chat channels, so it can support commands.
(It's already on dev for those who want to check it out).
However most of them are staff only, but there is also the ever-so-classic /me command
And before you ask "Can I use /whisper ?"
No. not yet. I've run out of spare development time before the event date.
However I do have plans in mind to fit such a thing in.
"It's no longer a ninja update then now, is it? Also, you and Aldo are Devs too.
No need to exclude yourselves from "Devs"."

"Damn got excited when I saw paint. Thought you finally opened so we can paint modern AV gear other than neon

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie