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Real Life posted by Scott
Sunday, February 14th 2016
This is going to be a long blog post, sorry. I have been staff on Legacy for around 7 years. I believe will has been around for nearly 5 years. I was around 16/17 when I first became staff under Lucas, and within a year Zorg hired me as a manager and I began to run Legacy under him. Just to illustrate that point, I sometimes woke up at 4am to help in wl resets, the odd few times Zorg synced the files and I had to make it live. I have been "called out" on Boxing Day, Christmas Day, trying to get internet connection on xmas day in a relatives house to stop an online game being damaged, rushing online to get rid of mass multis and spammers, getting the game back up when it committed suicide - priorities eh?

I think what I'm trying to say is I have been dedicated to Legacy, making it run, keeping order and going out of my way to make players enjoy the game with events. In that time I was at Zorgs throat and him at mine but we still worked together. It is only recently that my activity has been low or MIA. I could still balance it when at uni, even with a full social life. When I graduated and began working for Local Government that is when my activity started to drop. Now I've been promoted and I'm in a position that requires more time and callouts and my social life takes a huge chunk of what I have left. The only way I could do it is if I used personal holidays to give time to Legacy and I did that out of guilt last year so you guys could have an event and well, nobody should be using holidays for that.

With this said, effective from the end of March, Voluntary Helpers will no longer exist. I will be stepping down and Will has decided that his priorities need reshuffling and he will be stepping down also. I'm not 100% on how tickets/clans and reps will work yet. I'm not sure how mods will work. I will sort this with Zorg ASAP however. I won't leave Legacy on fire, ill make sure there is a correct handover.

It has been an amazing time on Legacy, some of you have annoyed me to high heaven but I hold no grudges as you guys are awesome. Legacy has an awesome community, it is a shame that browser based games are becoming extinct. Thank you for all the laughs and rages I have had, I think Will, will be posting something or saying something eventually. I will be doing one last MM since its all planned just needs the images. This will be one of the last blogs I will post.

P.S Congratulations to Steven, he should be highlighted for the hours he has dedicated, honest true person that deserves a statue on Legacy dedicated to him. Sad to see him go but his personal life is evolving - Grats man!

- Scott Out.
"So.... the game is actually going to die "
"Let it burn."
"Thank you all. R.I.P."
"7 years down the road myself, never really thought about how legacy was going to really go out at some point None the less alot of good friends made on this game "
"Thanks scott for the hours, scratch that, years of fun this game brought us all"
"What a news.. thank you so much for all the efforts! I also winder who will be the next to volunteer to work for Legacy? "
"gg "
"Sad to see you stepping down. Hoping that this isn't the final death bed, like what so many people are saying & thinking."
"I don't wanna brag... but i was, the best you ever had....."
"When you said called out, I thought you meant something else at first, but read on. "
"Bye legacy"
"So... the game is truly dying out then... Just promise to have a good life, yeah?"
"I remember meeting you on my first day Scott and it's been a wild ride since. Sad to hear that there will be no more VH's. But on the upside gratz on your promotion! Hit me up on WhatsApp 703-919-3965"
"10 years down the drain, games dead "
"Last one out turns the lights off"
"Good for your Scott, finally getting a real life! You've been more than generous with your time here. Last one to leave don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. "
"rip legacy"
"You were a worthy foe Scott."
"So long Maddy, and thanks for your work. Stop by and visit us once in a while "
"Cheers md"
"Good bye papa Scott"
"Buttslam! "
"Although I'm not a regular player anymore ,when I started playing this was like 6 years ago ( I was 12) so I can say that I grew up with this game . Thanks for you work here Scott the whole team."
"Thanks for all you have done for the game buddy, I wish you all the best in life and hope to hear from you from time to time!"
"Farewell Scott, we all appreciate the commitment you've made here."
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