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Game News posted by Scott
Thursday, May 7th 2015
I hope you guys are enjoying the game, in the next few days, we're going to release limited availability items on the plat market. I will be releasing some minimoo stuff and one of the biggest accessories I think we can have without breaking the template (If Zorg lets me)

Also we're going to make Shadress useful, I'm thinking one hour a day we'll help a gang, even out some of the scores

Any other ideas?

P.S Unicornbob is making this years image, the strict instruction is you remain to wear the anniv hat unless told to remove it or post a picture of your character wearing it. Anyone removing it and posting will not be included. The Threads in the Main Forum!

"Yeah wear dem hats "
"Shadress?? whats that"
"The inventory does not work - please fix it"
"Report on who killed the most mini moo's please"
"Help a gang? Sounds unfair. Also, love those little cows there "
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