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Game News posted by Zorg
Monday, April 4th 2011
Still working on the new warfare stuff, got a few bugs ironed out today. You'll notice the Sentry Sappers have graphics now, bcfcespley is drawing the Mechs as we speak. Focus Pills will start dropping from the Sentry Sappers some time tomorrow, we will also be making it so you can still attack NPCs even when they're friendly to your gang. So the gang that controls the Sentries does not miss out on the chance to collect some of these new items.

The bridges will retract at midnight tomorrow, still need to work out how to update the tiles dynamically. Each day either the south, east or west bridge will be active and it will change daily at midnight.

Also tomorrow I hope to get NPC attacks showing in the combat log and attack history, along with having them show up in glances. Anything else you think needs doing feel free to mention it in the comments.
"cool beans, love the new WF stuff zorg "
"Sweet. they tend to get annoying going back and forth lets kick some sentry ass lol"
"When the NPC's enter a square they attack and run. Get them to attack to kill. Considering they do bugger all damage, itll take them a while to kill someone."
"ETA on the hunting update?"
"Awesome, if they're in the log that'll make some ideas my gangs got lined up to run a little more smooth. Thanks Z! Great work by the way."
"Oooh those bridges are going to be crazy. Loving the sentries."
"bcfcespley is drawing?????????? Isn't he color blind "
"no ideas atm but must say I'm impressed with this recent activity (I just hope it ends well thought not worried atm)"
"Just make sure that you didn't make the same mistake as the slots. The bridge should be able to appear on the same spot for 2 ticks or more."
"If a player has no focus, sappers should start sapping HP. Also, I understand that we cannot control Sentry movement, but can we select which gangs they are to attack? "
"talk about friendly fire "
"So, will the focus pills have 1 trade like Expo pills?"
"There's too much positives to getting control of the sentry command. Shouldnt there be consequences to these since it's all that? Like they dont get the chance to get those focus pills ."
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