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Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, June 13th 2010
Today we had some minor downtime caused by some happy web server updates that upgraded things to a non-working status. Also, in 2 weeks and 3 days the wasteland will reset! I'm not sure if we're having a WTF yet, but keep your hopes up I'm sure Zorg will find some way to entertain us whilst the new map is coded

Onto more exciting news I have new banners for you! They will be awarded only when you win a competition.

New Banners!
Winner of an official Legacy competition.
Winner of 2 official Legacy competitions.
Winner of 3 official Legacy competitions.

So you'd better start by entering our Photo Comp in the Main Forum that is running until July 1st. That's all I have to update you on so far so good luck to all that enter.
"They look cool, maybe I could haz? "
"Nice banners :"
"Interesting. Here I go!"
"Like complete win or placing win?"
"very nice "
"Stupid banner, why have a seperate one for the flag comp?"
"Coming up with more and more stupid things to give banners for huh? How about we leave banners for things that are actually impressive....."
HOF Top 10's
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Copper Ore
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Manganese Ore
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