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Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, May 16th 2010
On Friday 21st May at 5pm server time I will be hosting LegCon with Lucas and Zorg. In this meeting we will discuss a range of topics, next weeks will include The Chamber of Elders and Legacy Affairs. I urge gang leaders to start putting together reps and gang comments as soon as possible. I will put the last sessions transcript up on the wiki tomorrow and threads will be posted in all gang member forums.

Link: LegCon wiki page

I have a few more events planned this year a few of those include a Newbie Hour next month, Flag Contest and a Halloween Hunt will be making an appearance. On a final note this years gift box have now been removed from the from the main page, if you got yours this year I hope you used the contents of the box wisely!
"1st "
"Very nice! "
"I can make that... as long as I'm not busy at school next week. Thanks for the 5 day heads up scott."
"nice "
"Lol weekend time is the worst for one of these things who logs in on the weekends?"
"why did u say "from the" twice "
"must of been lag "
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