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Game News posted by rollin340
Monday, May 29th 2023
So, there has been an update on how Astral Bomb and Throwing Blades work in the WLs. Since it's very annoying to test these on my own, they're up on Dev so I can ask for your help.

It really just takes 2 people to test out if these work as intended, so please do if you have the time. The changes are as follows.

Astral Bomb changes:

  • Advancement of "Astral Bombing" daily quest requires damage to be done to at least 1 target

  • Astral Bomb will not affect targets with an active Radiance or Shield

  • Targets that had Shield on will have it break if hit by an Astral Bomb

  • Damage dealt by Astral Bomb will now progress "Deal 750 damage in wasteland, no return" (will reset if 750 damage is not achieved with the Astral Bomb)

  • Kills made with Astral Bomb will now progress "Kill 3 players you are at war with" for each target killed that your gang is at war with

  • Kills made with Astral Bomb will now reward WFPs as if they were killed via an attack

  • Kills made with Astral Bomb will now reward Misc XP as if they were killed via an attack

  • Kills made with Astral Bomb will now steal a Phantom item if possible (Achievements and Honor progressions)

  • If Phantom Item is stolen, due to player's death, it will be given to a random participating player immediately upon gaining it

  • Kills made with Astral Bomb will now add the target to list of killed players for the day

Throwing Blades:

  • Throwing Blades will not affect targets with an active Radiance

  • Damage dealt by Throwing Blades will now progress "Deal 750 damage in wasteland, no return"

  • Kills made with Throwing Blades will now progress "Kill 3 players you are at war with" if your gang is at war with theirs

  • Kills made with Throwing Blades will now reward WFPs as if they were killed via an attack

  • Kills made with Throwing Blades will now reward Misc XP as if they were killed via an attack

  • Kills made with Throwing Blades will now steal a Phantom item if possible (Achievements and Honor progressions)

  • Kills made with Throwing Blades will now add the target to list of killed players for the day

If you find a bug, umm... PM me. Or make a thread. Something. I'm always around.
Game News posted by rollin340
Monday, November 28th 2022
So, the materials system has been updated. Will it help with the lag? We'll see.

If you encounter any bugs, let me know; use the Thread in the Main Forums.

If you have any suggestions as well, such as what the Storage Expansion quests can reward instead of just Crafting XP since storage slots are no longer a thing, use the Thread in Main Forums as well.

Also, there is a step I forgot to take into consideration that I'll resolve later this week; the items you had your old Material Storage that were not migrated, such as tools and some things like Skulls, are still stuck there, and will be moved to your inventory when I get to it.

Have a good week ahead folks.
Game News posted by Meepers
Tuesday, November 8th 2022
Hey everyone - just wanted to share some upcoming game updates that I'm sure will make quite a few of you happy.

The testing on Dev for rollin340's new Material system is slowly wrapping up. Things seem to be looking good and the issues that have been raised have also been fixed. We feel it's in a good enough state to now push it to Main. We're expecting to release the new system to everyone sometime this week (hopefully). When this happens, the game will likely need to go down for a bit so the tables can be populated accordingly and no new materials are being generated during that process which could cause some data inconsistencies. So if the game is down while you're trying to login - now you know why.

That also means this maybe your last few days to buy/sell any materials you may want on the market to other players before we adopt the new system. Just a friendly reminder that trades don't really matter for materials in the new system.

I'd also like to mention another change we're adding in the behavior of Flashlights. Currently flashlights lose 1t for every single job you do. So if you do 3 jobs at once you'll lose 3t on your flashlight. But you'll still only get 1 drop. What this means is you could burn 3 trades yet only yield 1 maximum drop. Given that flashlights guarantee you a drop, I feel this was poorly designed so we've gone ahead and changed it so that you only lose 1t on your flashlight regardless of how many jobs you do at once. Ensuring you're guaranteed to get 1 drop for every 1 trade you consume. This change is also expected to come out the same time as the new material system so I advise any players who have flashlights to hold off on using them till then. There is a workaround of course where you can just do a single job at a time to ensure you maximize your flashlight's value, but it goes without saying it's quite tedious.

I'd also like to give a special thanks to rollin340 for putting in the time and effort in making these updates happen for everyone so please do show your appreciation to him in anyway you can!

P.S. - Though we're mostly done with testing the new Material Storage, there might always be edge cases we may have missed. Please be patient as we adopt this new system and we'll try our best to fix issues as they come up as quickly as possible. Also keep in mind this is a band-aid fix and not really a permanent fix to the game's lag. But it should improve the game's current state for a few years at least.
Game News posted by rollin340
Tuesday, November 1st 2022
Alright folks, as per my thread in the Main Forums, the update is up on Dev. Go forth, and try to find any bugs you can with regards to materials.

Every material item has been deleted and turned into a mere number. You can craft with it, you can sell it back to the game, and you can send to to each other. Trades do not affect them. When crafting, it'll be trerated as 2T or 3T depending on the boost.

As to where you can make the reports, just do it on the thread in question; no reason to not reuse it.

Thank you to everyone who assists with this. If it's all good in a week or so, I'll get Zorg to push it live. If this doesn't eliminate, or at least reduce the lag, I don't know what will.
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