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Game News posted by Scott
Friday, December 25th 2015
MM is complete, I think I need like 2 images that Steven will do somewhat MM Will be launched any time after Xmas! I'm emailing everything over because I'm escaping to USA for 10 days or so so if you live in NY/Vegas/LA you have the small chance of bumping into me

Merry Christmas peeps!
Game News posted by Scott
Wednesday, November 25th 2015
The results are in, some gangs where none-existent, all gangs however played by the rules set. The aim was to help by any means your rank 11's reach a high goal and to get more points than any other gang. The only gang to do this successfully surprisingly was The Outcasts.

Results are:
Dark Flame: 242
Blade of Dawn: 2072
Outcasts: 13386
Chapter: 2271

OC, I will be posting a thread about your rewards later this week, congratulations.
Game News posted by Scott
Tuesday, November 10th 2015
GWC is back, from Monday (16th) until the following Monday (23rd / 3am) - all gangs are again going into a deathmatch. Prizes await the winning gangs whilst the last gang gets nothing. The points system for this one is simple:

Gang Rank 11's, there for support and to help players. Time to twist that, they need your support as only their personal warfare points will be counted. The highest gang with the highest warfare points gathered by rank 11's will be the victor.

Taking in mind the effort required, gangs should not try make this easier by switching players in roles, farming points via guards. If found we will deduct warfare points - the amount will be calculated and down to the Chamber of Elders.

This time one of the prizes is the victor can decide how to shame the losing gang.. So lets put effort into supporting one of the vital ranks of your gang.

Get planning, get ready, Don't get deaded.
Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, October 25th 2015
A few things, this may be a long blog. Steven has returned so obviously he's working on multiple things already. Myself and a few others are staring to plan the Christmas Events already - gets earlier every year

We're adding more to the chat functions soon - Zorg is still working out some kinks, we're working through the name change submissions already! If this pilot scheme works and is successful I have no problems rolling it out permanently and editing the name change pages to advise that the scheme exists. In mod news we're reviewing (Will doesn't know this yet) all forum rules, with a few to relax them so that forum activity can perk up. I've asked all mods in their forum on advice and suggestions.

And finally GWC is returning. More will be posted next week but to advise you - IT will be based off one gang rank ONLY and their personal warfare points will count. I hope this results in a bloodbath but I can only dream

Halloween is upon us so lets see if we can't stir up some fun and hand out some freebies this week Ciao!
HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Charlie

Copper Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Manganese Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Silver Ore
 - Updated by Charlie