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Game News posted by Will
Tuesday, March 29th 2016
Since I just took the time to clear out a single swear word out of a single forum from a single gang, I think it is time to invoke a little spring cleaning. What this entails is the Council of each gang going through each of their individual forums and using the search feature to find words that do not belong. This includes the obvious swears and terms that are not allowed. For an "easy" reference, simply think of what the filter blocks (within reason). If you want a list of specifics to search for since that's not specific, nominate a spokesperson to message me requesting a list. Better for me to get only 4 messages and have them spread the word than all 5 members message me for the same thing. I will check back on Apr. 2 to see how it went. If this hasn't been done, I will determine how to handle that.

"But Will," I hear most of you saying in your pleading voices, "your last blog said you will be stepping down from Staff at the end of March." Of which I must respond with, unfortunately things change. And my stepping down has been postponed due to a few issues rising up. So, for now, you guys are stuck with me until these issues are resolved.

What does this mean is changing? Right now, nothing. But I would like to remind a few of you of something. Just because you can disable the filter on side chat does not mean you are free to say anything you want. Racial slurs/slang, derogatory terms, and anything qualified as player abuse is still not allowed and can be reported. This includes all forms of communication on Legacy (side chat, wasteland, forums, etc.).

As for the Murder Mystery Scott was supposed to host, I will look into that and see what is going on. Until that time, see you guys around.
Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, May 25th 2014
To give you an update on what I've been doing, in March I completely scrapped our Guide system - it wasn't working and new players where waiting days to get anything from a guide. This system was originally set up in 2007/08 and hasn't been changed, I figured I could do better and each guide now has access to live signups and minor access to our staff channel and a better budget to better deal with newbies with a live database that is changed and updated by guides, with a newbie having an entry on it when they sign up.

After 2 months I'm proud to say its a success, we seem to be holding new players around for longer and we've sent out over 3k of meds to new players to help them level. I suggest that gangs revamp their newbie systems and stop relying on lists to be posted or newbies assigned to a personal rank 11.

Another thing upcoming is 2 forums being coded into Legacy, I can only speak about a public one for now as the other hasn't been 100% finalised but we're going to add a trading forum to legacy - the one thing we don't have, meaning you can advertise your market - Hold offers or sell in bulk to the game community.

Last thing is the new filter, we have a long list of words to go through and I will sometime next week and clear things up, my best advice is to just not avoid the filter or test it...

With a Bank Holiday for us in the UK Tomorrow I suspect if you're waiting for anything from HCS it wont be until Tuesday, tickets will be unlocked to us on Tuesday so we can't do anything until then!
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