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Game News posted by Aldo
Saturday, October 31st 2020
The latest warfare results are as follows:

Warfare: September - October 2020
1: Outcasts: 1,606,315 points
2: Chapter: 1,004,040 points
3: Dark Flame: 720,790 points
4: Blade of Dawn: 646,360 points

Congratulations to OC as well as to the effort shown by the other gangs!

Next map will start sometime around tomorrow (Sunday - 1st November) 12:00 PM ish, contingent on when Bongo and I are up.

WTF Mode will be active until then. Thanks for all those who joined in some of the manual events I ran. Right now there are halloween npcs and minimoos spawning periodically until tomorrow (with occasional world boss spawns).

This WTF mode showed the following (other than lag with the ~50+ players we had in WL all trying to attack/move/do things super fast ):

1. Maps can be ANY size now
This is one of the fundamental changes to the WL Map System I hinted at earlier and now you all saw.

2. WL NPCs can be big and occupy several tiles at once
This started out as a bug last night when I was adding the ability to show images of npcs on a tile, like we do in Raids. This turned into a feature when I thought it could be cool to attack NPCs from any tile they're on (and in the future, being able to cause damage to body parts individually for different effects). I'll be looking to add this into raids too.

3. We can have animated objects in the WL
The animations like the Off-Plane Being and the weird circle colored thing that X-Corp deployed earlier today are not gifs; I had to put some solid work into making those animations work in the WL system but they do! Even more interactive wl!

4. Fog of war/weather effects
There are weather effects and vision restrictions/fog of war-ish now supported.

5. NPC Spawner System
As many of you saw with the recurring NPCs, there is an actual spawn system for npcs now that's fully automated. Previously, stuff like minimoo and halloween npcs would rely on manual spawning or manual code for each new thing.

Happy Halloween and look out for more content and raids coming soon!

P.S: The lore implications from the ending of today's WL event are very real and tie into Domothar's storyline as well as the Hive's history. I think some people recorded it so I'll leave it to them to share/analyze.
"On the burning Path, the Phoenix rises."
"So you're going by "Dredd" now nerd? Haha whats up nerd, it's Bongo from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target "
"Thanks for spending what I assume to be days, of not weeks / months getting this set up for us to enjoy!"
"Any update on duplicate rad cannons? My 30x30 design comes to mind "
"that was a fun event Aldo! thank you so much for putting it together!!!"
"OC 1stplace! This has been amazingly fun, thank you so much Aldo "
"Well done outcasts, and thanks to Aldo and everyone else who contributed to a very fun WTF mode. "
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