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Game News posted by rollin340
Wednesday, January 29th 2020
Okay... so... the 3 attack types were lies.
Below is an explanation as to why.

Player 1 has 100 per base stats, including the default starters.
We're interested in 3 in particular; 100 Accuracy, 100 Dodge, and 100 Speed.

Now, imagine said player has equipment that miraculously gives them +100 to every stat.
Again, we are interested in only 3; +100 Accuracy, +100 Dodge, and +100 Speed.

All in all, the player now has 200 Accuracy, 200 Dodge, and 200 Speed.

Now, let us take a look at the attack types: Quick, Aimed, and Cover.
Thankfully, the current description was modified to take into account all stat modifiers.
So the -10% and the +20% are applied after the base stats, items, and abilities are all tabulated.

But here is where the odd part is.

The -10% works as per normal.
The 20% however, isn't a simple * 1.2.
Instead, it adds up the lost stats on the other 2.

So for Aimed attack, Dodge goes to 180, and speed goes to 180.
The lost stats are 20 points from Dodge, and 4 points from Speed.
The total is 24 points. This is added to accuracy. Accuracy itself isn't multiplied by anything.

This means you now end up with 224 Accuracy, 180 Dodge, 180 Speed.
Yup, there is 16 points in Accuracy in this scenario that is just missing.

Therefore, I have fixed it.

It is now doing exactly as it says.
-10% for the 2 stats, and +20% for the other.

How does this affect you? How does this affect the meta?
I have no idea. I'm just fixing a long standing "bug".
"does this mean I need to do math?"
"Great work, it will be interesting to play around with some builds in WL"
"thank you , that's great "
"It's not a bug????"
"At this point, this wasn't a bug but a feature!"
"I always thought it did that anyway. Nice bug fix."
"i've known this for years and I believe i even made a post on the forums a long time aggo about it. thanks for finally fixing "
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