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Game News posted by Will
Thursday, September 24th 2015
Hey guys. Just letting you guys know about a recent change that went on. And no, it's not Zorg logging in and changing everyone's background to Christmas. I am basically doing a hostile takeover.

What I am referring to specifically is taking over while Scott is away. Staff hiring, loans, competitions, etc. No, this does not mean Scott is no longer with us. He is simply away right now and will return eventually. Until that time, I am stepping in.

So, what does this mean for you guys? The short answer is: any issues that you guys needed Scott to resolve, they go to me for now.

Some things I already have to deal with include:
-GWC rewards
-Getting a certain someone ready for Halloween
-Hiring new Volunteer Helpers (most likely 2 new hires)
-Sorting out things that people will most likely send me that they had sent to Scott but have heard nothing about.

Again, this doesn't mean Scott has left us. It just means that I am fulfilling my duties as Assist Lead Helper while he isn't around. Be seeing you guys around
" you go girl "
"I'm available... i'm in a sail ship with 24/7 internet access, but also in project that is common known as ancient aliens... i can give you 4h, depending on how much you are willing to pay!"
"Down with Scott!!!!!"
"Who is Scott? Who is Zorg? "
"Pissed off that things aren't getting done? Will cares "
"Thanks will. Though, it is way to damn early for my personal hell to start. thanks alot"
"Fire Scott please"
"Just don't turn into a nazi like Scott did "
"Don't end up like Scott, cheers. We really need some new staff. "
"Can we slowly ease into this position and call you: Wott for now? "
"Oh god, I'm going to get fired "
"Scott rose to power out of immaturity and power hunger. Will will rise to power out of compassion and humanity. Wott "
"If some1 is willing to help out as VH for some time,do they get the chance to return to their current level when they are done helping? Btw.I'm glad that we have at least 1 staff player that cares."
"Nice to see the usual eejits paint me as as a bad person... "
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