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Game News posted by Scott
Sunday, October 10th 2010
10/10/10 !! It's time to sign up to Halloween, this year will be a little different. I am going to run a Murder Mystery game, hopefully enough people sign up to it. To sign up just simply send me an email at and as the subject put your account name. Emails will be deleted and account names added to a file so i can track your progress through the event. The communication in the event will be in-game and wont be via email, this is just so my mailbox wont get flooded and because it's a lot easier to set up. Prizes and info will be posted later this week!

The next point is about the old ATA thread that used to be in our Clan Forum. For those that have no idea what I'm talking about it used to be a thread containing names on Legacy that have either never paid loans or have been banned for scams or close to being banned. The reason I'm bringing this up is because Tibos wanted to re-start it and I know Zorg isn't a fan of it because he said something on the grounds of "once someone gets on the list it is impossible for them to get off". Now I have no input on this as my argument hits both sides, so if you guys want one either leave a comment here with any ideas or mail Tibos - Please note however that this doesn't mean it will happen it's just a way of trying to see if it will work and how to set it up so that anyone falsely added will be removed.

Zorg is still... on Holiday, I think the last I saw of him was when he fixed the Phantom Armour duplicate bug! So expect some word from him this week .
"first! I like the list idea"
"not first! im mailing u on legacy emaildoesnt work "
"Well i didnt get any of that."
"looking foward toward the game scott."
"Sounds good. But, how did we go from removing spectrals to having two?"
"Masterbation my dear darp, masterbation."
"Old Gregg is crazy.... *Can't sleep for the rest of the night*"
"Hello there fuzzy little man peach"
"yeah remove those spectral items already =["
"if its run by staff ebfore money is could insure that people are not falsely added to list....good idea though ::"
"Worried because your name can't get off of the list? SImple don't be an arse and scam someone in the first place, then you'll never have to whine about it. Revive it, should never have been shut down."
"Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other? I'm gonna spam your inbox with loving PMs, Scott "
"The phantom armor duplicate isnt a bug and zorg knows it. I was actually there when my friend got the second armor."
"I'm old graaaayg !"
"i like your bits"
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