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Game News posted by Meepers
Monday, May 13th 2024
Hope everyone enjoyed the Double Gains and Anniversary festivities.

I just wanted to share some fun stats with everyone as well as some teasers.

Let's start off with the numbers first. Below are some totals calculated during the last double gains. The credits were accounted for as a fair approximation and not including any boon buffs used to decrease hunting costs. The credit total also does not account for any hospital heals or items expended during the hunts.

Hunting Stats:

Crystal Entities Defeated: 43,478

Hive Gatekeepers Defeated: 4,228

X-Corp Markswomen Defeated: 3,107

Total NPC Defeated: 55,403

Total NPC Drops: 23,457

Total Credits Spent: Over ~ 2,000,000c

Below are some crafting stats for everyone.

Crafting Stats:

Hunting Passes: 147

Crystal Maul: 2

I just found these stats interesting and wanted to share them with everyone. Do with it what you will.

And finally I'll leave you guys with these images.

Update Teasers:

 - Updated by Sumwish

Black Market
 - Updated by Charlie

 - Updated by Charlie

Deployment Kit
 - Updated by Charlie