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Alright, here are some of the changes made; might have missed some:
-- Market changes
---> Market Logs will show latest items first
---> Market sales in Combat Log now link to Market Logs
-- Forum Changes
---> New "Link" button in Forums that copies the link to the post (not absolute path)
---> Updates for Anonymous Threads
------> Admin can now silence people that are part of the thread
------> Only default smileys are used
------> Admin page for player list can be sorted by headers
-- WL Updates
---> WL Command box should now be saved properly
---> WL `/glance` is now case-insensitive
---> Radiation Cannon `/trigger` now appears in WF Chat for all players
-- Misc Updates
---> Fixed bug allowing PMs after max has been reached
---> Links are now stylized with a small image beside it (does not apply to image links)
---> Shrubbed players will see a list of names they can PM to appeal the Shrub
---> Inventory page now mentions shift-clicking
---> Resonating Cow Bell recipe buffed (check stickied thread on main for Crafting updates)
---> A few backend tweaks with how Gang Armories are handled
---> Double event now affects base backlog gains
-- Market changes
---> Market Logs will show latest items first
---> Market sales in Combat Log now link to Market Logs
-- Forum Changes
---> New "Link" button in Forums that copies the link to the post (not absolute path)
---> Updates for Anonymous Threads
------> Admin can now silence people that are part of the thread
------> Only default smileys are used
------> Admin page for player list can be sorted by headers
-- WL Updates
---> WL Command box should now be saved properly
---> WL `/glance` is now case-insensitive
---> Radiation Cannon `/trigger` now appears in WF Chat for all players
-- Misc Updates
---> Fixed bug allowing PMs after max has been reached
---> Links are now stylized with a small image beside it (does not apply to image links)
---> Shrubbed players will see a list of names they can PM to appeal the Shrub
---> Inventory page now mentions shift-clicking
---> Resonating Cow Bell recipe buffed (check stickied thread on main for Crafting updates)
---> A few backend tweaks with how Gang Armories are handled
---> Double event now affects base backlog gains

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie