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It's finally time for Halloween! Shortly after this posts, I'm going to turn on all of the Halloween knobs and switches. You'll be able to buy the seasonal items from Joe's merchandise and hunt the Halloween NPC's. This year, we made sure to double check the hunting drops, as last year things started off with the Halloween hunts having 0 loot tables.
This year we'll be having a some of our normal events. Halloween WW's will start tomorrow and I'll have a game thread up soon with a link to the rules for any refreshers. Please make sure you participate, as Mod Kills really sour the game.
Make sure you check the Main Forums for the annual Halloween Costume Contest. I look forward to seeing all of your creative ideas this year!
Be sure to keep an eye out for some special WL activity on the weekends. This time of year is when Shadress likes to wake. Rumors are circulating that the Hive Government are starting to get worried about her activity. There may be some rewards this year outside of the normal individual ones handed out
Make sure you do your part!
There may be some extra surprises headed your way. Make sure you keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
This year we'll be having a some of our normal events. Halloween WW's will start tomorrow and I'll have a game thread up soon with a link to the rules for any refreshers. Please make sure you participate, as Mod Kills really sour the game.
Make sure you check the Main Forums for the annual Halloween Costume Contest. I look forward to seeing all of your creative ideas this year!
Be sure to keep an eye out for some special WL activity on the weekends. This time of year is when Shadress likes to wake. Rumors are circulating that the Hive Government are starting to get worried about her activity. There may be some rewards this year outside of the normal individual ones handed out

There may be some extra surprises headed your way. Make sure you keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie

- Updated by Charlie