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Game News posted by rollin340
Monday, July 16th 2018
Okay, another update.
Releasing the Blog a lttle early, but here is the breakdown of the things that affect you as a player.

Material Storage Quests:
- Rejoice, for you can do Quests that will expand your storage.
- They are found on the Material Storage page itself.
- These quests, at least the ones that are available on release, will be do-able only once.
- Yes, they reward XP.
- No other quests. Yet.

- If you are Crafting Meds or CBells, the fixed output bonus is shown.
- Ranges are only shown for things like TMods or TMod Charging.

Wastelands UI:
- Yup. Yet another new UI update.
- Note at the top of the page where you usually only see the title; there are 2 other things.
-- "Toggle Edit" will enable/disable the thing at the top-left corner.
-- You can click and drag boxes using those to move the WL UI within the content area as a grid.
-- The order is maintained until you close your browser.
-- If you want to reset it, there is something you can click on the same row as the edit.

Wasteland Guards:
- When you are on a square where there are Guards, "Attack" is highlighted.
- When you have defeated a Guard, "Back to Wastelands" is highlighted.
- Yes, this means you can just spam the enter key to clear Guards. Again, rejoice.

I think that's all of it.
Let me know if you encounter any bugs.
Game News posted by rollin340
Wednesday, June 13th 2018
Here is what is new in this update:

- Drone Module (in templates)
-- It now live updates
-- There is a hover over for the details of the job (same as the page itself)

- Inventory
-- Expired timing was not showing in inventory - fixed

- WLs
-- Fixed a few UI issues regarding Shield
-- Fixed AI using the old format (they currently use 2 lines, but I have plans to change it)

- Crafting
-- New UI for when you are crafting something
--- You can now see what the normal XP gain is, and what you will actually get (you can hover over this)
--- Optional items field is not shown if there are none
--- Text has been replaced by pictures (you can hover over for details)
--- If you want to see the normal old text, hover over the (?)
-- Devs have more control over the recipes (More news on this when we decide to use them)

- New Quest
-- Storage for materials (rejoice)
-- It has 36 slots right now
-- It won't have Plat upgrades; will eventually be possible to upgrade it via other means
Game News posted by rollin340
Tuesday, May 22nd 2018
Ok, this update has a few things in it.
Some minor, some not so.

- Forum Filter should be working properly now for all Posts
- WL chat now has proper website links
- WL chat and SC history links now redirect you to new tab instead of the current one
- Platinum boosts should show proper time left again
- If a prerequisite for an ability is not purchasable, but you have maxed said ability, it will show up as colored in the ability shop; else, it will show up as ???

Not so minor:
- A new quest given by Sythe
-- There are 20 unique dialogue lines
-- There are actually 7 branches in total
-- Most of you can't see all of those; I'll post them all somewhere next week once people have tinkered with it a bit

Kind of Major:
- Prerequisites for Radiance has been changed
-- It was a Combat ability; now a Warfare ability
-- It's previous prerequisites were Combat Study, Avatar Study, Quick Attack, Aimed Attack, Take Cover
-- It's new prerequisites are Warfare Study, Avatar Study, Personal Shield
-- If you already have it purchased, you can still train it/use it (it only affects the ability to purchase it)

- A new ability: Personal Shield
-- It is essentially Radiance, but it is dispelled after 1 hit
-- It absorbs any and all damage just 1 time, and currently only affects sources coming from other players
-- You can move while having it turned on
-- Yes, you can actually clear Guards with it on
-- Leaving the WLs dispels it
-- It is on a 5 minute cooldown
-- If you an Avatar, you can bypass the cooldown at the cost of 20 Focus by using "/shield me"
-- And yes, it only requires 20 Ability Points

This ability is only the first phase of a much longer plan.
It may seem kind of odd on its own, but it might have its uses before the whole thing comes together.

If you come across anything weird regarding any of these things, drop me a PM.
But if you PM some stupid complaint or something that is not constructive, I'm frogging you.
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