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Game News posted by rollin340
Monday, January 3rd 2022
Recent updates pushed to live. Here are the changes that you'd notice.

  • Elite Guards can be equipped with items from the Gang Armoury

  • Multiple simultaneous transfers from the Gang Armory

  • Stacking item auto fix now includes other potential scenarios

  • Abyss Crystals can now be used in the inventory's quick combine

  • Objectives should now be able to rotated in the WLs

  • 6k limit on market and storage has been removed

  • Gang Only Complete Lists page has a new 'Activity' section to show gang members active in the last 7 days

There are a few more stuff, but that is just for VH or behind the scenes things.

If you come across a potential bug, feel free to make a ticket, or a Thread in the Help Forum, or let us know in SC/PM.
Game News posted by rollin340
Monday, May 11th 2020
Alright, here are some of the changes made; might have missed some:

-- Market changes
---> Market Logs will show latest items first
---> Market sales in Combat Log now link to Market Logs

-- Forum Changes
---> New "Link" button in Forums that copies the link to the post (not absolute path)
---> Updates for Anonymous Threads
------> Admin can now silence people that are part of the thread
------> Only default smileys are used
------> Admin page for player list can be sorted by headers

-- WL Updates
---> WL Command box should now be saved properly
---> WL `/glance` is now case-insensitive
---> Radiation Cannon `/trigger` now appears in WF Chat for all players

-- Misc Updates
---> Fixed bug allowing PMs after max has been reached
---> Links are now stylized with a small image beside it (does not apply to image links)
---> Shrubbed players will see a list of names they can PM to appeal the Shrub
---> Inventory page now mentions shift-clicking
---> Resonating Cow Bell recipe buffed (check stickied thread on main for Crafting updates)
---> A few backend tweaks with how Gang Armories are handled
---> Double event now affects base backlog gains
Game News posted by rollin340
Wednesday, January 31st 2018
So, let's dive right into the updates that you'd have been affected by.

Do note, that for most of these changes, you're going to have to refresh your cache.
You can see how at this page:

~~Stacked Items Fix
If you had any items in your Inventory bugged/stacked, they will be automatically resolved.
Now, you might notice that clicking on another item takes longer than normal.
That is because we have over 9 million items, and we're going to have to clean that bit up at some point.

Apologies, but for now, just bear it.

~~New GCode
There are now 3 new GCodes that you can use.

For the Forums, it's a spoiler code.
For the Library/Signature, etc, it's a hoverover code.

Look at the GCode page for the syntax and examples.

~~Warfare Permissions
Yes, Rank 14s can now use the Objectives.

~~Wasteland Held Items
If you enter the WLs, you will now see your Held Items under your Fatigue bar.

The only items that you can actually click on would be Health Items, PCells, and CBells.
Using an item from this page just reloads the page itself, so you won't see "Healed for XX".

~~Improved Market
First off, things are sorted, for Rarity, within it's own category, by Trades.
When sorted by Type, it is sorted by Level, then Trades, then XP Points/Heal Amount/Other.

When you view the items, you will now see that there are extra details where applicable.
The item Level, XP, Heal Amount, Data, etc. are now all shown.

Also, if you click on the category itself to toggle them.
So, if you don't care about Armor, just toggle it away.

Another thing this changes is that you can now change the prices of your items directly from your stand.
Just double-click on the item's price, and edit it accordingly.

Now, if you at any point encounter any bugs (misalignment, item not showing up, etc.), do drop me a PM.
I'll try to get it fixed as soon as I can.
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