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Game News posted by Zorg
Wednesday, May 4th 2011
So we did have a plan for this years anniversary, but that has failed. It turned out it would of taken a lot of work to complete and right now I think there are more important things for me to be working on. However, we may do it to fill the gap between Easter and Halloween at some point... that's all I'm saying as I don't want to ruin the surprise.

This will just remain a regular anniversary this year, as is the tradition. No more toolboxes until anniversary number 10!
Game News posted by Zorg
Friday, April 29th 2011
New facebook page link can be found below, also we've added a "Like" button to the portal along with a more prominent "Play Now!" button. If we can get the page to 500 fans I will run a double XP week-end, if we can get it to 1000 I'll run a double Ability Points week.

So it's down to you guys to spread the word! We may also run some Facebook exclusive stuff in the future, so it will pay to be a fan!
Game News posted by Scott
Friday, April 29th 2011
Today we made the decision to focus our attention on abilities and our facebook page! Zorg has stated his plans for abilities underneath so I don't need to re-post anything.

Those who joined our facebook group when we launched it, we ask that you join our new page below:

o New Page: Click Here!

This new page let's us communicate more like we do with twitter and blogs, we will post events and keep it updated with what's happening so everyone is welcome to join, upload images we just ask that you keep the images organized If you have any suggestions for what the page should contain please post them in the comments ! Don't worry about the old group or leaving it, we're slowly dismantling it
Game News posted by Zorg
Friday, April 29th 2011
First draft of the new abilities is now done, so time to get feedback as I get them coded and tested on Dev. These are just initial ideas on how they will work, feel free to say if you think any of them are over-powered, under-powered or need tweaking. Focus costs and prerequisites have yet to be determined.


Allows you to queue 1 ability to be trained when your current ability finishes training.

Xen Master
Receive a 20% discount from Xen's Dojo when resetting stats.


Astral Bomb
Consumes all your focus and injures you, ejecting you from the wasteland. Damage is split equally between all enemies on the square and is equal to your current HP. So a 100 hp Avatar triggering this ability on a square with 5 enemies would do 20 damage to each of them. Damage is negated by active radiance.


Expert Cloak
Allows a player to use healing items while cloaked, regardless of enemy presence.


Death Wash
Toggle this ability on or off to have any injury in the wasteland reported to you, along with the coordinates it occurred.

Allows an avatar to shield a building, preventing the building from taking damage for 10 minutes. Shielded buildings will not heal while enemies are present and may not be re-shielded for a short while after being shielded.

Allows an avatar to protect a non-avatar for 60 seconds in the wasteland. Any damage that player takes from any source will be redirected to the protecting avatar. Damage from attacks will be calculated against the Avatars defensive stats.


Summon Beacon
Raises a temporary beacon on your current square that lasts 5 minutes. The beacon will remain even after you have moved away. Can only be used on friendly or neutral squares.

Summon Elemental
Summon an elemental that will be friendly to your gang and remain on its summoned square for 5 minutes. This elemental will be level 80 and act in the same way as sentries.
Player Of The Month
 - Updated by Food

HOF Top 10's
 - Updated by Food

Copper Ore
 - Updated by Charlie

Manganese Ore
 - Updated by Charlie