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Game News posted by sumwish
Thursday, July 6th 2023
Here is last round's results:

1. Chapter: 2,357,135 points
2. Blade of Dawn: 1,789,305 points
3. Outcasts: 371,415 points
4. Dark Flame: 302,455 points

Congratulations to The Chapter for this round's victory. And thank you to everyone for playing this map's inaugural round.
Game News posted by sumwish
Wednesday, July 5th 2023
Which Map would you like to play for July-Aug?
Map 1
Result: 12.4% (15)
Map 2
Result: 6.61% ( 8 )
Map 3
Result: 41.32% (50)
Map 4
Result: 39.67% (48)

01:53 sumwish: Starting Positions: (9, 14) (10,12) (12, 10) (14,9)
01:53 sumwish: DF = 1 TC = 2 BoD = 3 OC = 4
01:53 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:53 System: Result: 3
01:53 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:53 System: Result: 4
01:53 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:53 System: Result: 3
01:53 sumwish: !roll 1 d4
01:53 System: Result: 1

BoD will start on (9,14)
OC will start on (10,12)
DF will start on (12,10)
TC will start on (14,9)

Plan for the change to happen at midnight server time, but if no one is available to help me then I'll post a comment in this blog with an update.
Game News posted by sumwish
Thursday, June 29th 2023
Some of you have been asking about next round. As you've seen, we've become a little short handed and I've been around a bit less often. It's been a busier month for me irl than I anticipated. Lucky for me, this weekend will be open and I'll finally get a much needed break. I'll try and have a warfare map vote up by the weekend, and I'll close it out right after us Americans celebrate the 4th.
Game News posted by Will
Friday, June 16th 2023
Due to real world circumstances, Meepers has decided that it was his time to step aside as a member of the VH team. His past experience and presence is greatly appreciated and will be missed.

With that being said though, this means that I will be accepting applications for the now open VH position. There is a small chance that I will be looking to bring two instead of just one on to the team.

If this is something you might be interested, be sure to check the stickied thread in the Main Forum.
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Wasteland Cycle 2024
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