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Game News posted by Lynx
Tuesday, April 25th 2017
Just a word a two about an upcoming update to forums.

In this week (hopefully!) we will roll out a, thread rating system, to the forums.
This means that in the forums which have it enabled you'll be able to rate a thread either potive or negative.
Similar to how we currently have a rating system for updates.

However some limitations do apply.
For instance you will not be able to rate a thread negative, before a post in the given thread is made.
Spam-posting just for the sake of voting negative, should in all likelyhood end up in your post(s) being removed by staff, thus negating the vote.
This limitation is in place to minimize the amount of hatred this function could encourage.

Additionally, a thread owner will not be able to rate their own thread.
The point being that, in 9/10 cases the thread owner would always vote positive.
While the accounts whom have rated a thread is sorted chronologically, being able to vote your own thread wouldn't make sense.

Archived & locked threads can of course not be rated.

Ratings will not display for stickied threads, mostly due to the DtD thread. I know, i know.. hate me all you want for this

As a starter this will only be enabled for the "Suggestions" forum, however if this becomes a much liked feature we're able to roll it out to others as well, with the click of a button.

The update is already available for preview on dev.
Any bugs found must be reported to me immediately please

Any opinions, comments, ideas are welcome in PM or in the comments below

- Lynx
Game News posted by Aldo
Wednesday, March 22nd 2017
An update to forum search has been added by Lynx in the latest game update. His update covers the following:

Forum search now supports searching for one or more words, matching any or all words. Additionally the time limit between searches has been removed. Results will be ordered by number of words matched. This update has also capped withdrawals from market storage to 30 at a time.

In other news, check out my "April Fools Prank?" thread in Main Forum! That's about all I have to say in this post, just covering Lynx's update here as he's a bit busy today.

Have a good day!


#pmwill #nuggetlivesmatter
Game News posted by Lynx
Tuesday, January 31st 2017
Yeah so that's the first part of the "nice to have long overdue features" patch from me.

First things first.
I've added another two dropdowns to market search, so you're now able to filter out based on item experience.

Additionally you can now subscribe to threads and get notified whenever someone replies to said thread, that of course you can turn on/off in template control.
I've added an extra entry to the main menu titled "Thread subscriptions" where you can maintain an overview of all your subscriptions.

I'll be trawling through the DTD thread in the near future and look for addtional long overdue features that we haven't implemented yet.
Shoutout to FT, for not overhauling that thread yet.

If you have any usability issues (besides a mobile version of legacy) feel free to comment below or PM me.
Same goes for any bugs regarding this update you may find

Kind Regards.
- Lynx
Game News posted by Scott
Saturday, July 9th 2016
Today we started a huge backhaul of cleaning of the forums, no data was deleted. To avoid removing parts of the games history we've combed through the forums to remove any issues with the search function. With that we also got rid of the lovely language this community has. If you did it within the past 3 months you got a cuddly toy disfavor for yourselves. If you've got mod messages ignore them.

Forums aren't a place for that kinda language and we've done a major overhaul of historic posts that where left unmodded. We will be putting the forums back up soon!
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