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Game News posted by Lynx
Sunday, July 25th 2021
Hey ya'll

A wild blog post appeared
In all seriousness, got a few things on my mind, so this will be a quick one.

First off, I'll be pushing a small update to Diego's Hideout.
A button that'll let you claim all completed quests at once.


The caveat to this is, it's a relatively "naive" approach that simply claims the quests 1-by-1 from the top down.

Which means if the first 2 quests in your list is claimed successfully, but the third fails, (f.x. if you fail the pistol quest)

The page will error out, and only the first 2 quests will be rewarded to you.
Yes. this is intended behaviour, so please don't report this as a bug.

Secondly, I've also pushed a potential small fix to gang armouries finishing upgrades permaturely before the time was up.

This is really really f..... cumbersome to test properly locally, so fingers crossed it'll not break the whole thing.

Remember last time, I tried to "fix" ticks?
Set the whole game back by 9 hours... yikes.

Last but not least, I just want to highlight a thread by hunter8 in the main forums.

Potential for a really great discussion there, I personally believe that my own proposed solution is somewhat feasible.

So please check it out, think about it, post your ideas, criticism, quotes, arguments or beliefs. just remember to keep it civil

So long.
See ya'll around.

- Lynx

Post mortem: It wasn't a quick blog post.
Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, May 21st 2021
So yeah, just wanted to give a quick notice about a update I've thrown together today.

An image says more than a thousand words.

[Click for full size]

That's right, that is sortable/removeable quicklinks.

Besides the obvious fancy buttons, the most noticeable change about this is, that I've also bumped the amount of quicklinks to 15. (Up from 12)

And as always we'll be waiting for Zorg to push the update, you'll know by the usual ways when it's live.

See ya' around!

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Monday, November 9th 2020
Ohoy there!

New update on the way, this is the second part of the Armoury/quest expansion.

Gangs with a fully upgraded armoury will have the ability to dispatch elite guards to any wasteland square controlled by the gang.
Equipped with some of the finest apparel credits can buy, guards will fight by your side and die for your cause!

But... be strategic about how you dispatch your available guards, you'll only regain 2 per hour, op to a capacity of 10.
(Open for further expansion later down the road, but let's see how this goes first.)

However, you'll have to keep your armoury well maintained at all times, upkeep cost of 1% per day, will be automatically deducted from a random donated material.
Failure to maintain the armoury will have it falling into decay to a state where it must be repaired in order to be usable again. (Upgrades will be kept, and items won't be lost)

Yes I'm aware that'll take some time before any gang has a rank 10 amoury, so here is some teasers:

- Lynx
Game News posted by Lynx
Friday, October 30th 2020
Oi. it's once again time for me to post one of these.

Sometime monday, I'll request Zorg to push my latest update live.

It'll include the following changes:

- Members of clan slots 5 and 6, will no longer appear as having left the clan in forums
- Badge icon when searching profiles will not disappear when username is in wrong casing.
- A new quest at Diego's, which rewards WFP for donating materials to gang armoury.
- A new mechanic to gang armouries, read more in the suggestion forum thread below.

Link to suggestions forum

We do realise that in it's current state gangs have no real incentive to rank the armoury past lvl. 9
Which is why we're currently asking for feedback on this, while we work towards balancing it out.

Please read this carefully, and post your constructive comments about this new mechanic there.

That's all for now.
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